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I know its cold but could someone do me a favour?

As some of you know my Sierra was a South african import fitted with a crossflow and 4 speed box. Nothing wrong with both units except the gearbox will not fit in the Zero chassis. I have two options make another gearbox mount (no welding kit) so this will have to be outsourced or fit a 5 speed type 9 (a rare beast these days).

(1) Any opinions welcomed.

(2) If I find a type 9 will it bolt directly to the crossflow?

(3) Will it used the same clutch set up?

(4) Will the original starter fit?

(5) Finally does anybody know the measurement from the gearbox mount to the end of the bell housing of a type 9 (mating face with engine), because the 4 speed mount to bell housing length is causing all the problems.


Any help appreciated.



Guest john wilkins

I have a spare type 9 gearbox with the smaller option splined shaft (possibly early 1600 type)


Guest Chutney

There are dozens of type 9s on t'bay. Just checked and they currently range in price from 99p start to a might as well be brand newun for 800.


Bentbonnet PM sent.

Jamie - did not think about the mt75 makes sense if I upgrade later, is it a straight swap or will I need new starter, clutch etc.

Chutney - You would not beleive how many time I have been out bidded on ebay.


Regards all.



4 speed gearboxes from ford have the same Bell pattern as 5 speeds, the early gear boxes had 20 splines.type 9, 23 spline, so clutch plate will have to be 23 spline but clutch cover cross flow, I would ask Turbosports forum they have the knowledge

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