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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

Below are all the details needed for next weekend and attached is a site map with our area's marked. If you are no sure them pm me and I will give you my mobile no.

The club stand will be 40B and camping is as shown which hard to tell but it is around area 64.

Access is from 10am on Saturday pay for camping at the gate. Please note no entry into the halls is permitted until 9.30am on Sunday. A lunch time BBQ will be started at 12pm on the club stand where members can obtain a burger in the usual way with the suggested donation of £1 for none members it's £20 with a free membership and hog roast ticket .

The agm will be held at 4pm in the warwick centre next to our camping area where hog roast tickets will be issued upon proof of membership. Hog roast will be provided at around 7pm depending on their setup time.

A live band will be provided in the Warwick centre on the Sunday night sponsored by ckc magazine or the usual fun, frolics and drunken antics will be taking place in the camping area.

I hope we can make this a fun and enjoyable event for all. As a side note it is also Beckys (the current treasurers) 40th birthday weekend so hope you can all assist in making this as special as rhocar can for her!

Any questions ask away, can I please ask that if you are able to help out in anyway with the weekend please don't be shy I will be dropping club gear off am Saturday but need to be away by just after 12 due to Beckys birthday party and will not be back until Sunday morning.

Hope to see you all there in good spirits And enjoying the spoils.

Hopefully the attachment works as I have had to do this on my phone. The areas are supposed to be marked on the map but are not showing on my phone. Referr to stand numbers above and will try and sort when I get to a laptop

Best regards

Keith kelly,
Events secretary

UPDATE FROM GROSVENOR SHOWS: Following contact from club members regarding camping arrangements they are no longer willing to allow us to use our traditional camping area and Grosvenor shows have now advised that we MUST NOT camp on plot 64. As such we please head for area 62 on the map where we will corden off an area exclusively for RHOCaR members


Edited by theduck
  • Like 3

Updated camping details in first post.

You *might* want to update the attachment, which still references the old plot 64, just because.... well, you know someone will download it, print it, stick it in their car and then forget all the words in the post and go park/camp on 64 ;) ;)


Just a thought;

It maybe worth asking the hog-roast company to set-up at the back of the club stand this year instead of in the camping area.


In previous years, the old camping area (plot 64) has been pretty much RHOCaR exclusive so plenty of space and easy to see that only members are getting pig-cobs.

Given this year you'll be camping in the same area as everyone else at the show, space will probable be limited (especially if the weather is good) as well as every man and there dog trying to get a free pig-cob.

  • Like 2

You can of course camp in any of the designated camping areas, but the areas I have added to the original post are the areas the shows organisers have recommended we use.


Just a thought;

It maybe worth asking the hog-roast company to set-up at the back of the club stand this year instead of in the camping area.


In previous years, the old camping area (plot 64) has been pretty much RHOCaR exclusive so plenty of space and easy to see that only members are getting pig-cobs.

Given this year you'll be camping in the same area as everyone else at the show, space will probable be limited (especially if the weather is good) as well as every man and there dog trying to get a free pig-cob.


In past years there has been enough for everyone to have 3+ baps. So why not allow other non-members to buy one once all the members (with tickets) have had theirs ?

Posted (edited)

Was thinking a similar thing Alan! The hog roast staff do a good job and do check that people have their tickets.


Might not be a bad thing joining the other campers but is a nightmare from an organisational point of view especially as this year as I am not there overnight Saturday to protect an area. I have some fencing I could take to quarden off an area but do not have a lot of time sat to setup.


I am sure it will be fine and we can all enjoy the show however it pans out.

Edited by unclechief

Might I suggest a sign is put on old camping are saying where the club are camping. Not all members use the forum!

  • Like 2

For those of us that arrive and camp over on the Saturday, which plot shall we aim for?

Will try and discuss with Grosvenor. If I pick a plot it is bound to be an area another club use and end up in a territorial fight so I'm hoping they will designate an area for us. It's in their interest to do so as we probably still the largest club at the event


Dave, I'm going to stick to the instructions and head for the purple camping plots; try and find somewhere that's not next to a load of noisy arses who are going to be up to their eyeballs in alcohol until 3am in the morning keeping me and the kids up while they rev their engines and do wheelspins on wet grass :)

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