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Had a wonderful holiday in Scotland playing on Loch Katrine -- a beautiful 12 mile stretch of crystal clear water, while you lot were pondering the future direction of our car club at the AGM, if you didn't go maybe time/distance or WHY prevented you voting. To be sure the club is directed by just those few (40) votes. Hopefully the members will get what they dream of, & the renewed committee will take the club forward with an increase in clear management leading to more paid up members & events. We shall still be around in Florin after our imminent trip to Spain, she still needs work on her smoking habit but has managed 50,000 miles on top of Sierra total so have not found the time to correct our blue haze yet.

This is Part Two --- a new direction/toy purchased very recently for my Birthday/Christmas/Anniversary by my girlfriend Sylvia.




"Suilven is a 26 foot 2 ton steam launch powered by a 10 hp compound engine; boiler runs at 200 psi fired by Welsh Dry Steam Coal, she can make 9 knots when pressed ( uses a lot of steam ) In normal cruising she uses just 1 kg of coal per mile which costs around 20 pence.


May be passing your way sometime just listen for her whistle.


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is this it Bob


Owner: G. Newton. (SBA member)
Area: Trailable (UK).

HULL Launch
Built 1992-93 by Geoffrey Newton at Bretby.
Designed by Walter Simmons at Fowey.
LOA: 25' 7", LWL: 22' 6", Beam: 5' 6".
Strip plank, cedar with 3mm external mahogany veneer, epoxy glass sheathed
Varnished, straight stem, counter stern, canopy on 6 brass stanchions, wheel steering. ENGINE Compound, 3" + 5" x 3".
Built by Geoffrey Newton.
Design: A.A. Leak.
Valve(s): pv on HP, balanced sv on LP, Gear: SLRG.
On 6 turned columns, HP Xhead driven fp and air pump, Kcond. All nickel plated. Fitted 1999. BOILER VFT.
Built 1999 by Franklin & Bell at Gloucester.
Fuel: coal, Grate: 1.62 sqft.
Designed by David Beale, 24" dia x 24" high, 109 x 1" od tubes, SS grate, spun brass top, SS wet ash pan, injector, hand fp, bilge ejector, Wkettle. PROP 3 blades, 18" x 26".
Shaft: 1�" SS. HISTORY New boat built and fitted out by owner. First steamed July 1994. Steamed every year since, total hours 1060, total miles 2067. Formerly fitted with Cyril Taylor twin 21/2" + 21/2" x 21/2". Formerly fitted with No.6 size WTB by Precision Steam, Tiverton.
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Got it in one Stephen, Geoffrey Newton died several years ago & we bought "Suilven" from her second owner & our instructor; John Hendry who had re-built & electronically set - up the compound engine.

We still have lots to learn, but what can possibly go wrong!

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It's a Leak engine --- the hull is by Simmons of Fowey --- where our daughter Susan is harbour masters assistant --- goes to work in a launch ( petrol)

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