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Timing Gear; That Didn't Work So What Now?

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Guest Hawaii Steve

The timing gear on my Pinto 2.0 is in poor shape so I need to replace it. Built this puller by grinding my old headbolts and the brace from another puller I have. It loaded it up very tight but nothing moved. I then put a propane torch on the gear to see if heat would help and still nothing moved. Even tried a few good hammer hits and then one of the bolts broke.


Is there a trick on getting this gear off or do I just need to make some stronger tangs??


Thanks in advance!





Yes they are bar stewards to get off

Because of the belt guid you have little chance of getting a puller on so I applaud you home built one.

Perhaps clouting it whilst turning the puller bolt wil get it to move.

I ended up with a large screwdriver that I got behind the gear the tap and turn the crankshaft then tap again for hours until I had room for a larger bar.

Once its part way off the woodruf key itll slide off.


I think you’ll struggle making the tangs much stronger because there’s so little space behind the pulley. I had similar problems getting mine off and it wasn’t helped by having not much space to work in front of the end of the crank on a 2B. If you can get line of sight on the end of the crank you could use a slide hammer and try and shock it off rather than applying the steady load of the puller.


Another thing that might be worth trying is to turn the crank so the Woodroffe key is at the 12 o’clock position and give it a good soaking with penetrating oil and give it a day to soak in before using a slide hammer. I can’t remember for certain but I seem to remember I managed to lever under the end of the key against the crank and managed to move it slightly to free things off a bit.


I made a puller like yours, soaked the gear with penetrant overnight then tightened it and hit it with a hammer to shock it. Repeated this a few times apparently with no effect. Slackened the puller than hit the face of the gear to see if I could drive it back. Soaked with penetrating oil again and repeated the process. After a long time doing this I finally got the gear to move. It took me 2 days to get the gear off! When I finally got it clear you could see that the previous owner had used a chisel on it to get it off before. Bought a brand new replacement and cleaned and oiled the crank before refitting.


I was told they rust into place as any water leaks from the water pump go straight to it.

Guest Hawaii Steve

Thanks all for the tips. I did soak it pretty heavy with penetrating oil before I left on a short trip. I’ll be back on the gear this coming Friday to try all of the suggestions!!! Its encouraging to know that all of you eventually got the gear off!!!!!!!





In my collection of service details Ford show the special tool they use for this gear 21-028-A.

Basically it is a split tube that will fit over the gear with a lip formed so that it can slip behind the gear, it is then kept in position by a slip ring. The extraction is then done by a bolt pushing on the shaft. I have produced similar for heavy industrial applications usually using either a pipe clamp or cable tie to act as the slip ring.


All sounds so easy when said quickly but having had experience of Honda special tools they are no so good when things get difficult and have usually had to make my own to get the job done!


If you can beg, steal or borrow an induction heater it may be helpful especially as there is so much around to soak up the heat from a torch.


Can send you a diagram of the special tool if still having trouble, details are a little different as mine is a cosworth but this part is common.

Guest Hawaii Steve

Hopefully this has not gone twice.


Its off!!!!!! I used a combination of everyone's suggestions and had it off very quickly. Before I left on Sunday I flooded the gear and key with penetrating spray (PB Blaster) and then let it sit. This morning I used my large flat punch and hammer to hit it from behind while rotating the shaft. After about 3 rotations I saw a little movement so I then used a new gear puller I found on Amazon to finish the job. All told took about 30 minutes.


Now all I need is for the new parts to show up from Burton :-)


Thanks all for the help!


(I have a pic of the puller but can't figure out how to attach it in a reply?)



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