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Posted (edited)

Many of you will have noticed in the Area Secretary section of the Magazine that the majority of the posts remain unfilled.  The statistics tell a sorry tale.  Of the 23 areas only 7 have a functioning Secretary and of those, 3 of us are dual-hatted, also filling posts on the Committee.   So that means out of a membership of about 380, a mere 9 people are helping to run the Club.   And despite numerous requests for volunteers to fill the positions, only one person responded.

The Club cannot continue with this situation, so we are proposing to make some major changes.   We still believe the Area Secretary system is essential, providing a link for members to the Committee and organising local events.  However, as it is obvious we will never get enough people to fill the 23 Area Secretary posts we have decided to simplify the whole system.  So in the future, rather than having areas based on counties we are going to go for simple geographic areas, breaking the UK up into 11 areas.   This map shows the new areas and their new secretaries, including their forum name:


These are defined as:

Scotland                         Presently Unfilled
North East & Borders     Alan (alantoon)

North West                     Darrell (Darrell)
Yorkshire/Lincs              Andrew (Grim)
Wales                              Mark
West Midlands               Richard  (richyb66)
Central Midlands           Andi  (Andi)
Leicestershire                Phil (PhilShelton)
East Midlands                 Alan  (alanrichey)
South West                     Robbie (Robbie2B)
South East                    
Athanasios (ThanasisPolitis)

So now we have set up a new structure it is up to you, the members and community users, to make it work.  If you would like to be involved in meeting up with other owners in your area then you have 2 choices.   First, add your location to the forum Member Map which will confirm you are happy for your location to be shared and for the Secretary to contact you.  Secondly, notify your local Secretary and give them permission to pass your username and town to others on their list.   If you feel strongly that you do not want to be involved, then you can also tell them, although if they get no message from you they will assume you are not interested.   If you cannot work out who is your best secretary message me on the forum system and we can discuss it.


Al (Membership Secretary)




Edited by alanrichey
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It’s been almost two weeks since I posted our revised Area Secretary System and reaction so far has been positive.   The really good news is that we now have volunteers to take over the previously unfilled posts.  My thanks to all of them for stepping up to help.

There have been two slight changes to the system.  First we have now included Northern Ireland as an area for the first time.  Secondly, when we ran the numbers we found that the Central Midlands had a disproportionally large number of members compared with the other areas (maybe because that is the original home of Robin Hood Engineering?).   So we have decided to spin off Leicestershire as a separate area to even up the numbers.  Luckily we also have a volunteer to take that on as well, so my thanks to him.

So the map now looks like this:

UK Map (Small).jpg


The borders between areas are meant to be flexible, but the initial allocation is based on counties.   So if you want to know which area you are in, use the following breakdown (feel free to go elsewhere if you think it is more logical). The table includes the full list of Area Secretaries, with their forum username:


All counties

Robert Sillars


All counties

Mark Hoggarth

Northern Ireland

All counties

Hilary Thomas Ward

North East

Scottish Borders, County Durham, Tyne & Wear, Tameside, Northumberland & Middlesbrough (to balance numbers)

Alan Dawson

North West

Lancashire, Cumbria  Merseyside & Cheshire

Darrell Shuck


Yorkshire (N,S,E &W), Cleveland and North Lincolnshire

Andrew Wilkinson

West Midlands

West Midlands, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire & Shropshire

Richard Byrne

Central Midlands

Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire

Andi  Cartwright


Leicestershire & Rutland

Chris Smith

East Midlands

South Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk & Suffolk

Alan Richey

South West

Devon, Cornwall, Avon, Dorset & Gloucestershire

Robbie Sillars
Robbie 2B)

South Central

Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Somerset, Berkshire , Hertfordshire, Surrey, Guernsey & the Isle of Wight

Tony Godden

South East

London, Kent, Essex & Sussex

Neil  Hammond





I will be confirming with all new and current members which area where they are initially registered, but it is up to all the Community Users who wish to be involved to contact their Area Secretaries so they can be put on their distribution list. 

So we have setup the structure; it is up to ALL of you to make it work.


Al   (Membership Secretary)














Edited by alanrichey
  • 1 year later...

There a couple of changes to the above Area Secretary list.   Chris Smith (tractor) decided to stand down, but Phil Shelton (philshelton) has stepped up to take the reins.   Hope all you Leicestershire owners support him.   Unfortunately we have also lost our Scottish Area Secretary as he sold his car and has moved on to different things.   As of now, no-one has volunteered to tak over so the office is vacant.   Hopefull someon will come through.

  • 4 months later...

A few months ago Athanasios Politis kindly volunteered to take on the Area Secretary duties for both the South East and the South Central areas.   This produced quite an imbalace between his area and Robbie Sillars South West area.   So we have decided on a slight change to the areas.  We have removed the South Central as an area so now the South of England is simply split into South West and South East.  To help with the imbalance we have moved Somerset and Wiltshire from the South East area to the South West area.

Again I should emphasise that is just for the initial allocation I make for new members.  But is meant to be flexible so if anyone feels they would be better off in a different area then just ask the associated Area Secs to swap you over.

So the revised map and list of Area Secretaries is as follow:






All counties



All counties

Mark Hoggarth

Northern Ireland

All counties

Hilary Thomas Ward

North East

Scottish Borders, County Durham, Tyne & Wear, Tameside, Northumberland & Middlesbrough (to balance numbers)

Alan Dawson

North West

Lancashire, Cumbria  Merseyside & Cheshire

Darrell Shuck


Yorkshire (N,S,E &W), Cleveland and North Lincolnshire

Andrew Wilkinson

West Midlands

West Midlands, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire & Shropshire

Richard Byrne

Central Midlands

Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire

Andi  Cartwright


Leicestershire & Rutland

Phil Shelton

East Midlands

South Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk & Suffolk

Alan Richey

South West

Devon, Cornwall, Avon, Dorset, Somerset,Wiltshire & Gloucestershire

Robbie Sillars
Robbie 2B)

South East London, Kent, Essex, Sussex Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Berkshire , Hertfordshire, Surrey, Guernsey & the Isle of Wight
Athanasios Politis





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