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Okay, I don't want to fit the roof and doors that I have - well I might fit the doors, if I use it in the winter, but I want to showerproof the cabin area for when it is parked. This is really so that I have more confidence to take it further, and to events, without having to worry too much about the weather and not feeling that I have to rush away just because of a little rain. My current choice is to create a shower cap.

A while back I created a template, from cut up bits of cardboard and marked it up on some old window blind material. Today started fitting it to fine tune the fit, although the original template was a bit rough, it is actually going better that I expected and I think that I can fit it mostly using studs that are already on the car, rather than lots of bungee cords that I thought I would have to use. Unfortunately, I had to stop when I ran out of stud fixings, so I have ordered some more. While I wait, I have some questions, for all you experts:

  • Has anyone sourced waterproof material that might be suitable for this work? I will need about 2.8m by 2.5m, needs to  be relatively easy to cut and sew - if I make it myself. It doesn't have to be as strong at normal roof/tonneau material, as I will not be driving with it on the car, but I don't want it to stretch too much over time.
  • In case I need help to make it or sew it up - I don't have any sort of sewing machine at the moment. Has anyone had similar bespoke work done done by a company they can recommend? Ideally, I think, I will need it cut to my template, 'hem' all round and sew 2 short seams for the rear quarters.
  • I will need to add a few stud fixings - probably 6 or 8. What is the best way of drilling the stainless without damaging the surrounding area? I have visions of drill bits sliding across the stainless steel as I start drilling!
  • Has anyone fitted a detachable central beam/tube from the rollbar to the windscreen. I don't think this is essential, but it would help keep the shape in rain/wind.



Drilling stainless

Rule 1 do not let the stainless get hot as it goes very hard.

Center punch to locate the hole.

Cobalt drill bit at low speed with some pressure and low speed. https://www.screwfix.com/search?search=cobalt+drill+bits+for+metal

Be careful of the swarf as it is normally very sharp.

As for sewing the sewing needs to be waterproof sealed for most materials. There are tapes for this that go on the inside.



Very helpful, thank you. I am not expecting the 'cap' to be 100% waterproof - although obviously that would be ideal, 95% plus would be good! It is really just to stop the interior getting wet during when parked at events if the weather starts looking dodgy. If I have to drive in the rain at least the seat will be dry starting off! I think strong wind and especially with rain, will be the biggest problem, with the way I am attempting to fix it on the car.

Thinking about this project last night, while falling asleep. I have decided to finish tidying up my template (old roller blind material), and try overlapping the rear quarter two cuts semi-sealed with press studs to start with - the joins at the top of each will be the most likely source of some leakage, although I think I have an idea to help this. To this end I am going to produce a 'Beta' version to further test the concept over time before buying more expensive material and I am just about to look for a general car cover to buy that I can then cut up and fit.

It may all going horribly wrong yet, but worth a try.

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