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How Much Fun Can You Have In A Shed?

Guest Tim Norman

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Guest Tim Norman

The RHOCaR Scalextric Grand Prix Challenge is back on track ! :D


Graham Holdway has made the very generous offer to make his 4/6 lane track available for us to hold the 2003 RHOCaR Grand Prix Challenge - in his shed !


How can you hold a Scalextric Grand Prix In a shed?


EASY - roll out the Robin Hood KAIG and the Ford Thunderbird, lay down the carpet acquired FOC at the end of the Stafford show , set up the track, chill some tinnies and spark up the BBQ !


Now all that is needed are some Competitors - and that is where you come in !


The date is Saturday 28th June at a time to be confirmed, but for now pencil in for 2:00pm start and on well into the evening, and confirmation will follow. This is the weekend following Newark Show.


The venue is Grahams house which is approx 3 miles West of Derby City Centre - again full details will be made available to entrants.


A nominal entry fee will be payable to cover costs of BBQ etc and any profit made will be given to a charity to be nominated by the Winner.


Trophies will be up for the winners, and rules will be completely biased towards the Organisers winning them all !


As always this event is open to all RHOCaR members but due to limited space it will probably have to be limited to the first 25 - 30 entrants.


Graham can accomodate a few overnighters in spare bedrooms on the Saturday night. So you can enjoy a beer or six and not worry about driving.


I can also accomodate about 6 to 8 two-man tents on my back lawn for anyone able to camp over on the Sat night. We have a very obliging local mini bus firm that can transport us the 3 miles or so each way between Grahams place and mine for a very reasonable rate.


Please reply via the Club, to mick@rhocar.org.co.uk and NOT by return through the e-group - that way I get just one list of entries and I can be completely fair in the order of received entries if we are oversubscribed and have to turn some entries away - THANKS


Details will be posted on the Club Website at www.rhocar.org



Please support Grahams effort on this event.


I for one am looking forward to it


See You There


Mick Mellors - Derby

RHOCaR Events and Promotions Secretary

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  • 3 months later...
Guest mickmellors

A very big THANK YOU to Graham Holdway for hosting the RHOCaR Scalextric Grand Prix.


Disappointingly we had just 6 people turn up for the event and that was including Graham and myself and one visitor. 15 had originally said they were up for it and we had hoped for a couple more on the day.


This left us somewhat downhearted at first after all the effort by Graham to set up a 4 lane track approx 60 feet around the lap and to fix up his collection of around 20 cars of various types. But in the true spirit of Hoodies we cracked a few ringpulls and sparked up the barbie and made ready with a mountain of meat and associated goodies!


Peter Knight put himself in charge of the BBQ and proceded to create lots of very interesting charcoal creations which he called food (Hmmmm!) Even he had to admit to being unable to identify some of the items he was serving up ! At one point he was heard to say,"I think that is a hot'n'spicy sausage - but it might not be!" Every morsel was of course consumed and thoroughly washed down with a tinny or two so it obviously wasnt too bad. Well done Pete ! (Is that a Pun?)


Petes idea of BBQ food seems to be - If it aint black it aint ready ! Theres no such thing as a rare steak around here !


The slot racing quickly became secondary to several hours of deep meaningful conversation and consumption of a mountain of meat and several slabs of various alcoholic substances.


Grahams dog (a very elderly lady Corgi) provided the late evening entertainment by walking round and round the track for literally hours before finally plucking up the courage to trot over the 4 foot long bridge section. This was met by a fanatical cheer from the crowd that Michael Screwmaker would have been proud of !


I treated my lad to a new Scalextric car on condition that I could use it at the event. It is a numbered limited edition sports series MG Lola with magnets front and back. It is literally twice as fast as my previous fastest car and sticks to the track like the proverbial whatsit to a blanket - every bend except the hairpin was taken at full throttle and it just went round like it was in a slot (well you know what I mean!) - truly awsome compared with what I had in my first set where I spent most of the time retrieving spilt cars from under the sofa following a slightly over zealous attempt to pass my opponents on the bends (some things never change!)


Cheers for now



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