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Worrying Whine!

Guest Phil Slater

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Guest Phil Slater



I've got a real major problem and it's so very early on in my build thatI 'm feeling really disheartened, and wondering why I didn't consider flower arranging instead of building a 2B. I've checked the archive but can find no mention of this particular problem so far. So, I really need the advice of those of you with shed loads more experience, and probably a marriage certificate or partner.


My problem is that last night after spending a very pleasant evening in my garage, (arn't the nights getting warmer now?), re-fitting the pistons in my engine, I finished about 2215, just as I got back in the house, feeling quite pleased with myself, I suddenly heard a strange whining noise. Then the same thing happened tonight; after re-fitting the oil pump, oil pick up tube, auxilliary shaft and assorted covers and seals I finished feeling relaxed and contented with my efforts around 2130, locked the garage, entered the family home and the whining began again.


It was coming from the general direction of "the light of my life", "the bright star of the universe", "er indoors", "my better half". The whining was accompanied by comments such as, "don't you think you are spending too much time in that garage". When I tried to explain that when you start some tasks you can't stop until they are completed", the whine increased and another comment came my way, "why can't you leave it till the weekend then?". So, I thought, "I know I'll appeal to her better reason", and I pointed out even if I stayed in she'd usually fallen asleep in the chair by nine o'clock. And she said.......... rude things!!!


So please, as anyone else heard this whining and found a solution (preferably a cheap one), otherwise it's going to be a bloody long build, no matter how long it actually takes.


Phil Slater

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Guest Andy Sparrow

Sadly I have experienced this problem througout the last few years, it all started when I devided to buy a Spartan some 5 years or so ago. I had wrongly, it turns out, figured that as it was completed, I could minimise the amount of time spent 'improving' things in the garage.

The whining got to be most intrusive during the summer months and the only way to counter it was the agreement to a fairly expensive holiday in the canaries, only problem I couldnt take the car with me.

Having learnt my lesson that year I decided to use the stealth method, so when ever she was out, at some boring Ann Summers or tupperware party or visiting the dreaded M in L, I would scoot off to the garage. This worked quite well during the next year. There was the ocassional near miss, once she returned earliy (she had had a row with the M in L) and I was still caked in black grime and grining like a cheshire cat, (the new TR8 conv. was so much faster) I made some excuse like I was working on the eldests pedal bike, I dont think she bought it - as it cost me a new dinning room floor (in that dreadful plastic wood stuff)

So by the end of 2001 I realised the TR8 had to go (still get V8 withdrawal) - it was too much trouble and was costing me a fortune (& by this time she was looking at the Bahamas ! )

That brings me pretty much up to date, having had the hood for over a year and using stealth combined with the cheaper DiY jobs in the 'ouse.

Just one problem - not sure shes bought into the 'cant afford a holiday this year line' -- well I really would like a new engine preferrably a lot like Jims !

That whining's back big time .....

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Guest SteveL



Best thing to do is to get her out of the house completely, then she has no idea how long you're spending in the garage! :D Encourage her to get a hobby such as Amateur Dramtics. This worked for me, and I have Monday and Wednesday nights completely free of whining. Even better when it gets closer to show time, as she's out all the while! :)




PS. Tell her you'll let her drive the car when it's finished. That normally lowers the volume of the whining a little.

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Guest Julian B

Hi Phil


Not an easy one to crack this one but a swift build and the offer of romantic pub lunches in the countryside when the car is built i found helped. You should also try and get to the garage when you are not going to be missed. There is about an hour each evening of crap soaps that the fairer sex just love, so you could get 10hours Monday to Friday without being missed.

It was suggested to me to try and get my beloved involved with the build, but i found out that asking her to scrape the grime from engine components in the kitchen sink was worse than the whining sound doing nothing creates "would you look at the state of my nails" is still ringing in my ears.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help and you may find that the whining gets louder as the build continues. This is not due to H.I.D feeling lonely but to her realising that you are building yourself a mistress and babe magnet all in one. oops.


Julian Brewer

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just grab the TV remote, make sure you watch football, golf,

boxing, political debates, anything on Men & Motors,

cowboy films, films where you have to listen & think (!!)

or motor racing.

You'll soon get told where to go...


As for babe magnets, my son helped me build the car for a year

with the promise that he could drive it, expecting it would be just that.

On his first accompanied outing, with no heater, his girlfriend

had runny eye makeup, seriously backcombed hair, earache,

and a bad attitude by then time she got back.

The more mature (female) generation brought up travelling

on scooters, motor bikes & open topped buses seem much more resilient.



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My wife said that I could have a kit car if she could have a DVD player. Quite a good deal really. She said at the outset that at least I wouldn't be "farting about on other bitty projects around the house" if I had a car to build. She was right. Even mowing the lawn doesn't get done these days!


As for coming out for a ride in it, I can't see it happening more than once. After that it'll be my toy again ;-)



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