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Guest Bob's Babe

When news does come can we request that we do not start the rumour trail again but accept the news they are able to give us and give them space to give us more when appropraite :D


SUE :wub:

Tim will probably lock the news when he can to avoid more slating of individulas


Until RHSC make a Official post (which we will welcome again!) at this stage we will agian not talk about it so that we have all the facts etc. Current RHSC posts that where written by unknown have been removed (for now) and any threads in chit chat will also be removed unitl we have a final correct position. Feel free to join in the chat though, lots of chat and speculation in there, but please do not post in the forums about it yet.


Some people seem to be angry that we have wiating for RHSC to put an official announcement on here, well we thought it woul be better form teh horses mouth rather than the dribs and drabs we hear. This is from Tim (Da RHOCaR Boss) about as much as we know


RHSC had 2 shares, 1 owned by mark segal, 1 by Oxclose Holdings. Mark Segal is a Director of Oxclose. Oxclose have gone under therefore so have RHSC. A rescue package was being sought.


The Lightwieght heres what I heard.


The lightweight if built to a high enough standard will pass the SVA. Trevors wasn't. RHSC got his car with a view to testing it at Notts. When it was received it was decided that it would even fail there. RHSC pointed out the failings in the build quality and gave Trevor a 2B kit.


Trevor I'm sorry if this is wrong and I have been lied to but please feel free to post your own version of events.


As to RHOCaR trying to protect RHSC that is absolute b0ll0x. If you have a problem with what some of the moderators have done th Donington and discuss it with me there.


Now I do not know how many of you run biggish website like this, but believe me when you get phone calls form people complaining about what is on them and talking about liability etc. we have to be careful, so please get off our backs...

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