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The long awaited forum upgrade is complete.  I have started a thread for feedback and suggestions, so that we can keep them all in one place, here:

We will continue to provide updates to you all on this post.  There is still work on going but rather than delay things further we wanted to get the site back to you.  Below you will find useful information about the new site and we will add to this over time.

User / Display Name

One of the things that has changed in the new version is that user names and display names are now one and the same thing.  Previously you might have logged in using one name but another name would displayed on the forum.  We made the decision to stick with user names during the upgrade, as going with display names would have meant you wouldn't have been able to use your old login details!  

If you would like for your username to be changed, please pm me and I will make the necessary changes.

Mobile View

The way the sites mobile view works has changed, however you can still switch between the full site and mobile view quite easily, links to instructions on how to do this are below:

iPhone / iPad - https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-force-your-iphone-or-ipad-to-load-the-desktop-version-of-a-website/
Android - https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-request-desktop-version-of-a-web-site-in-chrome-for-android/

Membership changes

We are now able to offer all members a full 12 months membership from the day they join!  Ideally all members will purchase their membership using the Join RHOCaR option (under store) at the top of the forum when their renewals become due, but we will still be able to process manual memberships where required. 

As part of these changes we will be making use of the forum software for full management of the membership database.  This will mean that members will need to enter their address on their profile in order for us to send out magazines etc.  Please rest assured that only the committee will have access to that information.

Gift Memberships

We also now have the option for people to buy gift cards that are redeemable against membership.  Available under Store, Membership Gift Cards

Merchandise Store

I am pleased to also be able to announce the launch of our new merchandise store, which offers a range of goods including t-shirts, hoodies, caps etc.  all of which can printed or embroidered!  To access the store just hover over the store button at the top of the page, then select Merchandise and it will open in a new window. (N.B Embroidered isn't available just yet, but will be very soon.)

Community User Access

An outstanding action point from the 2017 AGM was to address community user access, I am pleased to say the upgrade allows us to do that, and community users are now only able to post 5 times per day.  We will keep the restrictions on community users under review and adjust accordingly.

New Member Map

Only accessible to full members the new member map is to be found by clicking Portal and then Member Map.  Unfortunately the plug-in used for this before is no longer compatible with the latest forum software, so we have moved to a new alternative, this means the map is almost completely empty, so get adding yourselves! UPDATE: The address search is now fixed


The new forum software also includes a choice of Themes, so you can change the look of the forum to suit your preference.  There is currently a choice of 3, the default theme which is  a bright and light look to it, and two different darker themes.  To select these, scroll to the bottom of any page and click on Theme


Another new feature, if you require technical or general support with the Forum, Membership or any other RHOCaR related topic, you can now use the Support tab at the top of the page to raise a support request.  Really it is just a fancy way of getting in touch with us, but it does make sure your message gets to the right person first time.

Edited by theduck
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