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East of England Meets for November


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We're still going to continue to hold meets over the winter; there's nothing better than wrapping up well and taking the car for a drive on a crisp, clear winter's day (and for those of us without a heater, turning the engine fan on to keep the lower half warm 😀)

However, I've decided that is probably getting too cold for our usual al-fresco picnics so the next few meetinga will be at cafes in various places.

So the first November one will be at 12:00 on Thursday 10th at the Bay Tree Garden Centre at Spalding (PE12 6JU), http://www.baytree-gardencentre.com/.

See you there


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Lovely day out, we all drove for about 40 minutes to get there, a nice comfortable distance.   Weather was a bit grim although it didn't rain, but the crosswinds crossing the Lincolnshire Fens made it a bit of a wrestling match with the steering wheel.   As predicted the large car park meant it was easy to park together and there was a nice restaurant for lunch.   We met up with one of the new members who is in the process of buying a kit car.


Probably do another one later in the month so watch this space 😀


Edited by alanrichey
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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for one more meet before we have a rest for Xmas.    Plan is to visit the Harvest Barn Cafe (https://harvestbarn.co.uk/) on Tuesday 29th.  It's just outside Peterborough (PE7 3DR) so it's a nice run out for the East of England members.    I will probably have to book a table so if anyone wants to join us let please let me know by Monday lunchtime so I know the numbers.


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Another good day.   The weather behaved itself although it was very misty on the run there (forcing one of us to come in their tintop) and it proved conclusively that my windscreen wipers are totally useless 😀   But fully wrapped up and with the occasional use of the radiator fan to warm up my bottom half resulted in a nice run.  The Harvest Barn Farm Shop had a lovely cafe with a very wide ranging menu.


There are actually 4 kits there (originally we expected 6 but another member had to cancel after doing his back in), but you can't see the 4th one as it is hidden behind a very different car for us, a fantastic Polaris Sprinter.

I think that might be it now until the New Year, although I might go to the GBS Coffee & Cake on Saturday if the weather is good.


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