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The club’s AGM is planned to take place on Saturday 1st June 2024 at the National Kit Car Show, Three Counties Showground, Malvern at 3pm. We are currently waiting for confirmation of the location of the club stand & the room booking so please keep an eye on the forums for any updates.

The current Committee are having to state their intentions for re-standing or standing down at this year’s AGM as follows:


Standing for re-election

Kerry Allen – Club secretary

Tony Godden - Treasurer

Alan Richey – Membership secretary

Steve Foster – Chairman


Willing to stand aside

Steve Foster - Magazine Editor


Those listed as standing for re-election wish to remain on the Committee and will do so unless someone stands against them and receives a majority vote at the AGM. Those listed as willing to stand aside have expressed they are happy to continue with their role on the Committee but may also be willing to stand aside if a formal nomination for a suitable candidate is received prior to the AGM.

As such, nominations for these positions are encouraged, but not required for the club to continue to operate.

There is also a currently vacant position on the committee for the role of Events Secretary, and a vacant position for the role of Area Secretary for Scotland.

Previous attempts to fill roles at the AGM itself haven’t always been successful so it’s important that we advise everyone of the situation in advance, rather than trying to press gang someone on the day.

I would like to remind everyone that without an events secretary we are currently struggling to arrange or support events and may be unable to do so in the future.

If you are interested in either of the positions and wish to discuss what is involved please contact myself.

Finally, below you will find the instructions for submitting nominations, constitution changes and points for discussion at this year’s AGM.



Commitee Nominations


If you would like to apply for committee positions, you can do so by emailing secretary@rhocar.org

Please use the subject line -    "RHOCaR - *Your first name and surname* Nomination"

Then enter the text below in the body of the email, with the relevant information completed:


I (Print name), Membership Number

Offer myself for election to the Committee of RHOCaR, the UK Kit Car Club for the following role(s).


I will / will not be able to attend the AGM.

Nomination supported by Name, Membership Number

Seconded by Name, Membership Number

Please also CC your nominator and seconder into the email if possible. Nominations will be verified using the email addresses registered with the club.


Club Constitution


If you would like to propose any changes to the club’s constitution, to be discussed at the AGM, please do so by by emailing secretary@rhocar.org

Please use the subject line - "RHOCaR Constitution Changes 2024"

Then enter the text below in the body of the email, with the relevant information completed:


I propose the following changes to be made to the constitution/rules of RHOCaR, the UK Kit Car Club.

Proposers name, Membership Number:

I will / will not be able to attend the AGM.

Seconded by Name, Membership Number:


Please CC in the seconder to your proposal if you are able

to do so.


The latest Club Constitution can be found here :



You’ll find it under Club Information on the forums, or just search “Constitution”.




Points for discussion at the AGM


If you would like to raise any points for discussion at the AGM, please do so by by emailing secretary@rhocar.org

Please use the subject line -  "RHOCaR 2024AGM"

Then enter the text below in the body of the email, with the relevant information completed:

Points for discussion

I (Print name), Membership Number

wish the following points to be raised for discussion at the RHOCaR, the UK Kit Car Club AGM:



Hopefully the weather will be kind to us this year and we will see a good attendance at Malvern. It would also be nice to see members attending the AGM if they can.

Everyone on the Committee is a volunteer and wants the club to be run for the benefit of its members but we need feedback from you to make that possible.

Come and join in the AGM with us, have your say and tell us what you think.


See you there,



Edited by Foz
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  • Foz changed the title to 2024 Club AGM - 1st June

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