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ivan the terrible

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Posts posted by ivan the terrible

  1. glad to know she's ok Phil, really scary when it's one of your own kids, I've always said that drivers like that don't have accidents, but cause lots with their actions, good to know some people are willing to stop and help


  2. What are you doing Ivan?

    engine coming out, fix oil leak, fix water leak, new clutch, general clean and tidy up of engine bay, chrome or paint cam cover and cam belt cover, and anything else that needs doing whilst it's in bits, just hope I can remember what goes where
  3. Would love to have seen the faces of the gang cleaning up this morning, chucking all the rubbish on the remains of the bonfire when they chucked a box full of unused fireworks onto the burning embers. :rofl: :rofl: :help: :crazy: :shok: :shok:

    saw it happen, just on my way to the gents when they went off, everyone scatted like scared rabbits going in every direction apart from one old guy whos army training must have kicked in, cos he just dived straight down on the ground until all had stopped, then he popped his head up to see if the coast was clear, then got himself up and brushed himself down whilst everyone gave him a big cheer, well done that man, bring back conscription I say, it may have just saved his life :good:
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  4. hi agent-zed, I use the toolstation ones most of the time at work, on new house builds, find them ok, I use them in my mitre saw also in my circular saw and get quite a lot of use out of them, that is until I go through a few nails but for the price not too bothered, cheap enough to replace, end of the day it all depends on what your cutting, hth ivan

  5. hi all, can't add much more to what has already been said, just that andrea and myself had a fantastic weekend, relaxed, quiet and chilled out, a good time had by all by the sounds of it, also andrea managed to get sun burnt, don't know how, she was in bed sleeping most of the time, really enjoyed the treasure hunt, and just generally chatting with people, definitely up for it next year, also car ran like a dream, best part of 280 miles without a hitch, about 10 miles of that was andrea driving round and round and round and round the show ground, says she might even drive it to the next local meet, thanks again ivan+andrea also says andrea---- only 2 hours to get home this time instead 15!!!!

  6. hi all, camping at hollowell is it Friday and Saturday night? also andrea fancied doing a slow cooked beef stew for Saturday night with crusty bread, what do people think? have noticed that phil has mentioned a bbq on Saturday night, if that's already sorted then we can leave the stew, aiso have any members got remote controlled cars? or other vehicles, could get races going, I have a nitro buggy I thought I would take, not used it in a while though, might need to tinker with it, :drinks: Ivan

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