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  1. Guest

    Engine Dilema

    I'm after some advice..... I have a 2B whcih is running a Ford Zetec SE 1600 (Sigma) engine on a Megasquirt MS2 Extra Engine Management System. It has some modified delorto carbs (they are cut in half) acting as ITB's (sort of). It runs ok, and has apparently around 144bhp. Being a Zetec SE, the exhaust exit is on the Off-Side of the car making sourcing a 4-2-1 Manifold to replace the puny 4-1 that is in place difficult, and likely needing a custom fabrication job. So here is the dilemma! Recently I picked up a Zetec S (1700 Puma Engine) for a small amount of money. Its the same bolt pattern, orientation and footprint, but has better internals than the SE, eg Steel crank and rods etc. The original plan was to strip this engine, put some hot cams in it, add some bike ITB's, get some head work done (flow/ported, lifters, springs), and then drop it in as a straight swap with a new beefy 4-2-1 exhaust. The target being around 200bhp. Should I go this route, I can expect to pay £550 for cams, maybe another 200-300 on head work + the cost of a custom exhaust (I already have the ITB's), so maybe 2K all in. However, along the way I picked up a set of GSXR ITB's on an ST170 manifold ready to bolt straight on an ST170 duratec engine (I also have a set of ZXR12 ITB's that are bigger but that would need a manifold, which I intend to design and 3dprint in Carbon reinforced Nylon). So the thing is, given the duratec ST170 engine is the opposite orientation to the S & SE but the same orientation as the Zetec E (Blacktop), eg, "Exhaust on Nearside", there are far more 4-2-1 manifolds available off the shelf (and hopefully second hand) mitigating a potentially expensive custom fab job. Also, being a 2litre engine, with the ITB's and ECU I already have, I am pretty sure 200bhp is achievable without touching the head or opening the engine. Add to that the fact that a decent s/h engine can be had for 300-400 and I could potentially hit the 200bhp target for about 1K, but that excludes any subsequent conversion work I have to do on the gearbox hookup, engine mounts and bodywork. I already plan to strip the car back to the chassis this winter, and therefore the engine is coming out regardless so while the S is an easier job, fitting something different is not a deal breaker. Thoughts, opinions, advice all welcome!
  2. Hi, Getting very frustrated, looking for fresh ideas before I blow a gasket.....sell the bloody car....or set it on fire! I have fitted a ST170 engine using Megajolt with original Ford Edis and coil pack. Everything was working, test drive down street was OK but the Dellorto twin 40's could not give enough fuel/air at idling and acceleration (jetted for 1.6). After speaking to webcon and pricing up parts I decided to order Twin 45 webers with 5 progression holes (specific for Zetec), fitted them and everything was running OK on test drive. Waiting for rolling road session, however after a trip to A&E with chest pains and a minor operation I had not touched the car. Returned back to car after 6 weeks the car will not start. I am getting fuel and spark, I have also tried another coil and changed spark plugs. Switching at coil OK with test light primary coil readings 1.3 ohms and Secondary coil readings 10.38, I believe within parameter. I have not touched any wiring, although next job is to make it tidy with cable covering. I do occasionally get back fire through exhaust and popping back through carbs, feels like timing, maybe over fueling. I have removed Megajolt plug and tried on Edis limp home settings but still no success. I need your help, what other tests can I do before starting fresh with ignition and fuel system?
  3. Hi, Anyone know where I can get engine mounts for ST170 engine in a Zero?
  4. I have two gearboxes which need stripping, inspection and possible repairs, it will be mated to an ST170 engine. Which gearbox would select? Choices type 9 or MT75, I only want to pay for one.
  5. Hi, just preparing a 2003 ST170 engine to go into my Tiger CAT E1 - from a Pinto. I have some basic questions, so please if you have other threads you can point me at, please do.... 1) I am not running TB's yet (cost issue !) but will be using my bike carbs from my Pinto set up - which run very well 2) I need to do away with the VVT set up and this brings some issues - having removed the drive pulley from the inlet camshaft, it looks as though that there is a spacing issue for a new vernier pulley ie. the VVT pulley has all the internal gubbins which make it advance / retard and as such stands off from the end of the camshaft by a fair distance. If I am to reuse the existing camshafts, then I need some sort of spacer to get the pulley alignment and correct sealing. Does anyone have any info on how this can be achieved ? Or 3) am I being daft and must junk the existing cams and install a new pair if I am doing away with the VVT ? 4) If this is the case, will any Zetec cams do e.g. Piper 285's as I note that the end journal diameters are different for the two cams in the ST170 head - is this the same for all Zetecs ??? I am sure this has been covered before - but some giudance would be great and thanks in advance ! This is where I am up to at the moment... loads to do.
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