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Some Pics Of My Zero Build So Far.......


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Hi all,


I've put a link in to my build pics i've taken so far.


Other peoples pics have been a great help to me, so i thought it only fair to share mine also.


Been on it about about 4 weeks now and am pleased with progress.


All comments welcome, especially if you think i've done something wrong.



Thanks for the help so far guys....... cracking club & look forward to the shows.







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V.Nice pix. :D


Are you going to make a written blog of your build, highlighting the awkward and easy solved problems you encountered?




Hi Tom,


A blog would be good, yes, but finding the time to work, build car, be a Dad, sleep, AND stay married all at the same time is already pushing it. :crazy:


Besides that, a picture is worth a thousand words as they say and any questions always get answered on here somewhere.


Thanks for nice comments guys, :good:



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Guest The Modfather

Nice work there Nick. Nice clean workplace too B)

How long has it been since you started? I'm looking to possibly buy a zero at the end of the year, so it will give me time to get the donor parts etc.





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Nice work there Nick. Nice clean workplace too B)

How long has it been since you started? I'm looking to possibly buy a zero at the end of the year, so it will give me time to get the donor parts etc.







Hi Darren,


Thanks mate, means a lot. :rolleyes:


I picked my kit up 11th Dec 2009. I'd guess i've put in approx 70 hrs so far.


Some would perhaps say thats slow, but i'm a sod for detail and precision.


Some would perhaps say thats fast, but i'm not racing toward any set date.


Donor wise, buy a complete car mate. I bought one, stripped the ENTIRE car COMPLETELY, and sold off everything surplus.


Ended up in profit from my purchase price, and had all my parts for free. :lol:



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Guest The Modfather

Well I think you've done bloody well in such a short time. You may think it's slow because of the detailed work, but done properly the first time saves time and money doing it all again. You can't beat a clean and well built anything really. People will look at your pics and wish that they had done it like that when they built theirs.

With my car, it was already complete some 9 years before, but the level of workmanship is sh'ite. I'm having to redo loads just to get a near silk purse from a sow's ear. I feel like just flogging it now and using the money to start afresh. Just need to ask the missus :rolleyes: but I'd rather face an angry crowd of rioters than go cap in hand to her :o


You keep at it Nick, and it takes as long as it takes. Just keep that detail going until the end and you'll have one sweet motor. Good luck and keep us updated.





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Guest chelcott

I'm impressed with the build so far, I was a bit pevied to hear 2b plus chassis/kit had ended but these pics have inspired me. Which kit did you purchase? Keep up the pics looking forward to seeing car in flesh, any idea when you will complete.

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I went for the Plus kit. Chose this as it would cost more than the difference from the base kit to achieve the same amount of parts.


I'd like to think this time next year i'm ready for IVA, as i said earlier, i'm in no rush. I enjoy the build as much as anything.






Yes, i ordered the kit pre powder coated, it was done by a subby, not GBS.


£245 extra, money well spent in my book as all the welds are flattened also prior to coating and it's far more resilient than paint.


I'm well impressed with the finish, all the nooks and crannies are well coated, no patchy areas anywhere.


Luckily i have plenty of space, so i'm doing donor refurbs as i need them in the build.



Good luck with your builds,




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Looking really good I am still stripping the donor vehicle. Did GBS powdercoat the chasis if yes is the finish good?

Not going to order the kit untill the parts are ready due to limited space.




Mark, I have just got my chassis which GBS had powder coated for me and the finish is better than I expected, A nice smooth finish and very well covered,


I think the key to a really good build is space, of which I dont have so my plan is to get it on its wheels asap so it can be pushed ountside, (bring on the warmer weather)



I think the build has come along very well considering the hours you have put in and the quality of workmanship, I'll be watching this one very closely.

well done mate :good:

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I've seen it in the flesh and it is impressive. Very jealous of his workshop as well!



Thanks Tim, really nice comment mate. :hi:


Kettles on anytime your passing, your welcome round for a nosey / gossip / brew when ever. :good:



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Guest Spencer Griffiths

Looks great, you are well ahead of me. I also got the chassis powdercoated and it was the best money I have spent. Very good quality finish. It would have driven me mad trying to start with a bare steel chassis. Keep up the good work.

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thanks photowarehouse, nice comments always lead to a feel good factor.

Looking at your blog, its nice to know i'm not on my own when it comes to eager too help kids!! Engine looks pretty damn fine i must say.



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