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Longest Build In The World


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest erichetherington

You carry on Chris, my shoulders are broad!

Of course it has been easier/quicker the last couple of years, since it moved from 50 miles away to a couple of hundred yards.

God knows what the IVA will say though, but perhaps I'll outlast it!


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Guest Ian Marr

Well ....


Picked up my 2B kit July 2001 ... So coming up 11 years build. Mind you ... Bought the sierra and started stripping it in sept 2000 ... Does that make it 12 years?


According to Hon President Tim following inspection this morning I am reliably informed I am 1 good weekend away from SVA!


Mind you ... barn is now so full of stuff I will need at least 2 years to make an escape route for 'Made Marrian'


Back to the garage I guess.



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Guest sadjagboy

This post makes me feel I got my IAC quite quickly, only 4 years and 11 months from when a I bought an abandoned wreck on ebay and just 2 days short of 5 years to actually driving it along the road legally. As I have modified every panel on the car, I thought I better modify the number plates too, so the front one is cut down, so it is the same width at the nosecone, no doubt that will be an MOT fail... better get the screen on and the wiper motor and the boot made now and the wet weather gear.....

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