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Yet another cooling question


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Ok so my 2.0l pinto has no expansion or header tank, so me being a cheap skate have got a solution (I think) my mum works for the ministry of defence and lives in a army barracks, at said army barracks there's a few cars they use for training search dogs, after speaking to the captain he said I could nick the coolant bottle from a ka, so I have done so. On the coolant tank there is 2 hoses 1 goes to the top of the bottle and one goes to the bottom, am I right in thinking the top thinner hose goes to the rad cap outlet (currently has a tee piece with a nipple coming out) so top hose to that and the bottom thicker hose to the hose coming from the water pump that goes round to under the carbs, I'll attach some photos (I haven't cleaned the new (old tank) out. 1st image is of tank, 2nd image is of cap with nipple, 3rd image is of the pipe coming from pump round the engine and goes somewhere underneath the carb, so top pip from bottle to the rad cap, bottom hose from bottle to pipe in 3rd picture 




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On 6/26/2024 at 4:26 PM, Dcsinclair22 said:

here's a few cars they use for training search dogs, after speaking to the captain he said I could nick the coolant bottle from a ka

Nooo - how are they going to train the dogs now? 🙂 

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