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Everything posted by philshelton

  1. what tyre presure ar you 2b drivers running with a 2 l efi engine?
  2. watch out for the twisty bits there might be something coming other way. like i found out ouch
  3. fair comment graham I also have my own smal business so can understand how it can be difficult to be active in all areas ie building a demo car a good stand and looking good to visiters to the factory give these guys a chance.
  4. richard was most helpfull when i called after the accident i had in my 2b and when i visited him to descuss my options he gave me as much time as i needed do tall to him and look at what options he had. come on you guys give them a break they are trying to improve things and in the end we will all benifit. keep up the god work GBS.
  5. insurance asessor is due friday to look at my bent 2b. Hope he approves my quote for fixing it. has anyone else had to go through this and did insurance pay out for you to fixit. insurance value £4000 my repair quote £2900.
  6. philshelton


    hey i love the look and build of the zero 7 and if it wernt for the wife would proberbley get one
  7. can come and look at mine im in leicester just off j21 m1 shes a bit bent at moment due to bump but your welcome to pop down
  8. speek to richard hall again found him most help full if they cant ship to you let me know
  9. philshelton


    sat in demo last week at gbs like it just wish i didnt have size 11 feet found it a bit tight in the foot well for me bet guess as richard said could narrow tunnel
  10. if samples are 3 off 8foot by 4foot sheets i will have some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. just looked at the link intresting but whats the cost of it may give u a lighter hood but bet its like filling your wallet with helium
  12. Have been to GBS this afternoon and richard hall was most helpfull with abit of luck and burning the late night oil i may have her back on the road before summer is over ( thats if it even begins). a big thankyou to richard at GBS for all his help and time.
  13. happend on a bend but he stopped quicker than me so suppose i got to put my hands up to it
  14. gbs not over helpful asked if they would supply a new chassis but the only got one left and will only sell as a plus kit not even a starter kit and they quoting prices that i think insurance will right it off think got a mate that could rebuild front of chassis just need to get some acurate mesurments from some where
  15. following my head on meet with a nissan quasqui keep going out to the garage and thinking where do i start. list of things to do is getting longer 1 get chassis fixed ( might have got a mate who can do that i hope) 2 type 9 gear box ally casting snaped new gear box i guess 3 gear box has cut fuel line 4 body panels ( o/s panel twisted by exhaust both front in fill panels had it) 5 nosecone had it and o/c cycle wing bracket twisted 6 rad got more holes than a culinder and fan just as bad on the bright side the rear end is fine and so am i
  16. philshelton

    2b Chassis

    does anyone know where there is a 2b double front wishbone chassis. gbs have one left but will only sell as a plus kit and I think it might be gone by the time i get my insurance claim sorted. failing that it their any one local to leicester who would fance rebuilding the front end on mine. pic of damage shown on other posting
  17. was doing about 25 happend head on on a bend ouch. so a tip to you all you never know wots round the next bend
  18. rubber engine mounts have sheared off so front of engine still kising radiator (wots left of the rad)
  19. engine has come forward so branch manifold has dented side panel but all other chassis rails look to be fine think it has twisted front to rails in where box rection has gone back. would be great if there was some local to leicester that could pop round with theres so could mesure things up with a tape
  20. have just had head on in 2b thought id post some pics to see what u lot think about fixing it Dscf0444.bmp
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