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Allan Royds

RHOCaR Member
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Everything posted by Allan Royds

  1. Hi all I hope to be with you all on Tuesday, Just getting used to being part of a crowd. Its good to see so many members turn up. Take care Allan
  2. Hi Alan, I'm a southerner does that count as well. I'll be there take care and drive safely
  3. Hi Alan, I hope to see you all there just returned from sunny Bead all Bay. Take care and travel safe.
  4. Cheers guys looking forward to seeing some of the old face's and some of the new let's hope that the weather is kind. I've joined the dark side and will be in the motorhome, see you there. Allan
  5. I missed last year due to a previously booked event, Question is can we arrive on Friday afternoon to camp?. If we can is there a particular place that we would all congregate at. Can't seem to find a map of the camping area on the organisers site. Hope that some one can help me out, going down on Friday as travelling from Durham via the M6. so see you all there. Regards Allan
  6. Hi Alan, Can't believe that a month has past allready, Just been looking at last months post, do you realise that 234 people looked at that post, so how do we manage to get them to come out of their Man cave's and arrive in Sunny Chester-le-Street for an evening of scintelating conversation and a quite drink. I hope to be able to force my way through the throng of Members eager to attend on Tuesday see you there. Living in hope Allan
  7. Hi Alan, I hope to make it on Tuesday as we had to cancel the holiday due to me not being well. Hopefully I will be well enough to drag these weary old bone's up to see your smiling happy face's. Looking forward to a good turn out as well see you there. Regards Allan.
  8. Hi Alan, Hopefully will be there and that we get a good turnout like last month. Regards Allan
  9. Hi Alan, Happy New year to you and all our North Eastern Hoodies. It seems like years since we all met up, so looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the gang. Take care and see you Tuesday.
  10. Hi Alan, I hope to be there all being well. hope that the weather is fine for you and hope to see as many as possible. Allan
  11. Hi Harry if you get stuck just give me a ring and I can pick you up. Cheers Allan
  12. Hi Alan, Hope that you had a good holiday will see you on tuesday. Allan.
  13. Hi Harry whats up are you water soluble Best regards tongue in cheek Allan.
  14. Hi Alan, I hope that you are having a good time on your hols. I'm staying at the Whitches Craig camp site near Sterling this the last stop on our Highland fling in Scotland, but never fear I shall return on Saturday afternoon to be ready for the exciting Tuesday evening that is the Club meet nignt. I hope that as many other members as possible will be able to make it. I've had a great time away and hope that you have the same, so see you next month All best drive safe and look out for the sneaky 20 mph zones. Allan
  15. Hi Alan, I'll be there. Are we having an Agatha Christie night of murder and intrigue ??? Take care and drive safely Allan
  16. Hi Alan, Glad to see that you made it home and also to Blyth on Sunday. Shame about the weather as it did not get any better on Sunday . I stayed overnight Sunday to pick up my bits in Lincoln. Much better trip home today unlike fridays nightmare. So well done to all the members who made it to Newark Show, I feel sorry for all the people who put in all the hard work and money to put the show on. Still roll on Malvern next year. Drive safe and see tomorrow. Allan
  17. Hi Alan, I will be going to Newark on Friday and camping over. Hope to see you there. If you are camping will you have a banner to fly so we can all find each other. Looking forward to this as had to miss Malvern due to previous arrangment, See you there.. Regards Allan.
  18. Hi Alan just to confirm I will be at the meet tomorrow looking forward to seeing you all. Allan
  19. Hi Alan, I will see you there and hope that the rest of the gang can make it. Take care Allan
  20. Hi all I will be there sporting my Northumberland sun burn !!! drive carefully everyone
  21. Hi all I'll be there providing the snow ain't gonna be too deep. Would be nice to see some new face's Take care one and all Allan.
  22. Hi Alan, I will be there,I hope that the weather is kind for your journey down. Take care regards Allan
  23. Hi Allan, I hope that you've had a good Christmas and a Happy New year. Hope that we get some of the newer members out to see us. Take care and see you Tuesday.
  24. Hi Harry, been away for Christmas and forgot to pack the laptop, I hope that you and the family had a great time. I hope that you and all the members have a prosperous and Happy New year. Looking forwards to seeing both old and new members at the Church Mouse at the next meet. So stay well and drive safely and see you all nex year. Best regards. Allan.
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