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My Avatar.....


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Hi Guys and Gals,


I've had lots of mentions about Mrs Shaft posing for my Avatar, so heres a

link to the URL...


Bouncy Lady


Oh, and for a real giggle, i know how many and who as been clicking on my Avatar for a bigger version????

My profile visit counter has gone through the roof since i uploaded it!! :drinks: :clapping: :acute:



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Guest gixerboy600

And when exactly Nick did you get my wife to pose for that?????????????????????


NOT HAPPY MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She's yours by the way in exchange for the CF Grille





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well i can't believe nobody believed me that Mrs Shaft was my avatar! pmsl :crazy:


John, it'll be later this year before i do any more grill's mate. :drinks:


Stuart, according to my calculations, you've clicked 657,456 times? must be the Viagra? :vava:


Jamie, i'm over here mate!! :rofl: You going to Stafford?

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Guest oddsocks

well i can't believe nobody believed me that Mrs Shaft was my avatar! pmsl :crazy:


John, it'll be later this year before i do any more grill's mate. :drinks:


Stuart, according to my calculations, you've clicked 657,456 times? must be the Viagra? :vava:


Jamie, i'm over here mate!! :rofl: You going to Stafford?



Im not sure nick-got a weddin in sept not sure if its the 18th so i'll have to check if not then im goin. You goin?? You campin over?

Is your missus goin??? :rofl:

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Guest Stuartl

well i can't believe nobody believed me that Mrs Shaft was my avatar! pmsl :crazy:


John, it'll be later this year before i do any more grill's mate. :drinks:


Stuart, according to my calculations, you've clicked 657,456 times? must be the Viagra? :vava:


Jamie, i'm over here mate!! :rofl: You going to Stafford?


657,456 times? Crikey, thats where the RSI in my right hand came from!

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Guest Stuartl

No, No, No Stuart, use your left hand.... :acute:


It'll feel like like someone else is doing it! :crazy:



I am dealing with an experienced person here, I can tell ;)

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