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East of England Meets for September


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A bit of a disappointing turnout at the End-of-Season Bash last weekend although all the participants had a good time.   But in the East we don't have a season, we operate all year round 😀

So, seeing as the weather next week has suddenly come good, we are going to have a picnic at one of our favourite meeting places.   Sywell Aerodrome in Nottinghamshire (NN6 0BN).    A large free car park, a cafe if you don't want to self-cater, a museum, a static aircraft display and also a nice view of the operations on the airfileld.

All welcome, 12:00 on Tuesday 13th Sept, bring a chair, or a rug.

And don't forget the GBS Coffee & Cake on Sat 17th, weather lookin OK at this stage.

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A nice day out and a decent run for three of us.   Just over 100 mile round trip for me, which I find perfect.  Airfield was a bit quieter than usual, no sign of the Spitfire we normally see.   Summer has definitly gone away though, a bit of a chill in the air.😀



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Time to squeeze another meet in before we meet up at the Corby Glen Sheep Fair (9th October).   As promised we will do this one on a Sunday (25th Sept) to cater for the workers 😀

Plan is to go to the RAF Digby Museum, just South East of Lincoln (LN4 3LH) and join the conducted tour at 11:00.  If any non-East of England wants to join us just let me know.    There are no refreshments on site so bring your own lunch (and chair😀)

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Another good day.   Just about 45 min drive for me, first outing of the year for my padded jacket.    We all went a bit early in case there was a queue and the small car park was full.   Needn't have worried, only one other car beside us 😀



Had an extremely good (and free) tour of the RAF Digby museum.  It actually lasted for 2:30hrs.  The station was one of the sector HQ for 12 Group during World War II (The South of England was 11 Group so they got most of tthe action during the Battle of Britain) so we got to see the actual operations room where it was all controlled.  Even though I spent 37 years in the RAF I still found it very informative and interesting.  Highly recommended.


That probably knocks it on the head for September, so our next meet will be the Corby Glen Sheep Fair on 9th October (https://www.sheepfair.co.uk/).  

See you there 😀


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Nice job indeed! The operations room was incredible and besides which were more interesting parts of the museum to see; it's all so well preserved. Thank you, I enjoyed it immensely (as I am sure all those that came along for the tour).

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