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Everything posted by speedtripledan

  1. Piccy Dan
  2. speedtripledan


    Hi, I had a snooper for a while until it broke, i swapped it and got the road angle classic been using it 3 yrs or more 60000 miles a year and no camera convictions mainly its good as reminder for when you aren,t paying atention. Highly recommend these devices ! Dan
  3. Hi, I put aero screens on my 2b, you do get the wind in your face and on a motorway it can be quiet severe , so i always keep a helmet in the car use it on longer faster runs and don,t on the shorter runs. mainly as i don,t wish to be shot by any debris. Having rode bikes for 19years i,m use to helmets its no different in the car to the bike. I prefer aero screens i,m in a tin top day in day out so the more different the better at weekends if you are anywhere near come out in mine and see what you think. Svc supplied mine. Dan
  4. Hi, Just wondered if any one knew if the dip stick that goes in to a 2.0l pinto was shorter with the rs alloy sump ? or what the oil capacity would be? Dan Reason i,ve asked is i was flying round a large rounderabout the other night putting manners on bike when i switched right to left i got a big plume of smoke erupt out of the exhaust the engine is a 800mile old fully recon 2.1 pinto so this should not have happened ! i thought the head gasket had blown or a ring had dropped but it is ok the 30miles home was perfect so i can only assume it is over filled with oil..
  5. how did you that? Dan
  6. I,m about to convert my 2.0Lpinto efi to run on bike carbs i.e fireblade carbs, 3 questions does anyone know what jet sizes work? how Can i use the efi dizzy ? and are the gbs manifolds anygood? Cheers Dan
  7. My 2.0l efi did just that, was the stem seals but when sorting them found the cam was well worn out newly aquired recon engine going in next week
  8. HI, I Got GBS to finish my sump, with side box nothing special but it does the job and a lot cheaper than other ones i,d looked in to.
  9. gonna wait i think and do a cossy 24v will be hard but i,m sure it can be done???
  10. thanks for your responce. i think i,m gonna find another pinto as you say it will be easier, if i,m gonna spend time and money messing around i,ll find something more cosworth 24v ish with some serious power...
  11. thanks for your advice..
  12. Hi, Thanks for your response i,m up in derbyshire very near gbs as it goes i think i,m going to sell the engine and try and find a decent pinto it would be a lot easier by all accounts shame though as the dohc and gearbox is perfect the donor car even came with 7yrs history.....
  13. Just wondering if anyone has swapped a 2.0l pinto injection to dohc 8v got a whole sierra cheap with a sound engine the pinto is knackerd. Can it go on the type 9 box ? is there enough clearance around the pedal box ? will it fit height wise? Cheers
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