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I had to do some electrical repairs and now I've lost side lights, horn and hazards. 

I've removed some unused wiring and altered my fuse board but can't find anything I've missed reconnecting. 

The switches are from an '88/'89 Sierra ghia and its a VG loom. Pin 56 (brown black) ignition Live but goes to 0v when lights switched on. Pins 58 +30(?) (grey and red) permanent live. 

If I connect a wire from positive battery terminal to any sidelight wire in loom (red wire) they come on permanent. So that proves earth but what next? 

Everything else seems to work. 




Sounds daft but have you checked the fuses? I’ve spent ages in the past chasing down problems and in the end it was a blown fuse.

It sounds like you have because you mention changing the fuse board, but just in case I thought I would comment.  


All fuses checked with multi meter to show full short circuit, also checked in situ to prove voltage at both sides of fuse and connectors. 

I just can't find what it supposed to give power to side lights when switched on. I know it's the red wire in the loom but struggling to find on wiring diagrams for loom and Sierra which wire should be live when the sidelights are switched on. 

Just to add, I didn't go anywhere near the switch gear until I'd already spent a few hours checking everything. 




Story so far.... Broke down last weekend, fuel pump not getting power, fixed at side of road. Found to be dodgy fuse holder. 

Decided to buy a 4 way fuse holder as I had a couple of other stand alone fuse holders of the same type. 

Stripped out fuse and relay mounting board to replace with plywood, checked everything worked (all seamed ok including sidelights but didn't check horn) 

Prepared new "board", pulled each connector apart, fed through board and reconnected 1 or 2 at a time. Re-mounted everything and tried starting car, success. Then went through everything to check if it all worked. 

I've found a few loose wires but they are either labelled up as unused or shown on wiring diagram as unused except 1 black wire with a female bullet connector on it. 

This connector tests full short to earth which I think it should do, but I can find nothing that could have been connected to it. 

Going to try again this afternoon, but I still don't know where the live to sidelights comes from on switch connectors. 



Sorted, it turns out I miss labelled some wires during the build (probably 15 years ago) and had swapped stuff round to fix. I only had to swap 2 wires over and it's all working. 


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