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danielbrookes last won the day on October 16 2020

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    GBS Zero GT
  • Full name
    Daniel Brookes

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Wheely good builder!

Wheely good builder! (4/6)



  1. Hi, excluding VAT and without the gasket they are - I paid £600 inc VAT and the gasket. There’s also a long lead time waiting for them.
  2. Looking for £500 collected from Middlesbrough, can deliver at buyers expense. I’ve moved house and I’m never going to use it now. It’s brand new, never been fitted. Been sat on a shelf and comes complete with new gasket.
  3. And I rewired the whole engine loom, including injectors and the coil connection - everything from the engine loom plug. I made the loom in the first place so it was relatively easy for me.
  4. Sorry just spotted this, yep all still good. I haven’t done mega miles, maybe another 200 but no issues at all. I am wondering if maybe I had a bad earth for the ECU.
  5. Make sure you get photos of the part where the brake pipes leave the tunnel and goes to the master cylinder. It sounds like the same area already mentioned near the gearbox, if not clipped properly then the brake pipes can rub. My inspector wanted to see just inside the tunnel in the most awkward part - luckily I had photos which he was fine with. Had I not got photos it would have been a nightmare. Take loads of high quality pics and you can then zoom in to wherever needed on the day.
  6. Thanks for the feedback, I might check the relay connection, you mention a twist of the screwdriver - what did you tighten? The relay clips in doesn’t it, or was it the connection into the fuse box? Happy to say my cars still running well without Missfire. I’ve done about 100 miles now as the weathers been bad, but it’s 100 without problems :). Confidence returning.
  7. Sounds daft but have you checked the fuses? I’ve spent ages in the past chasing down problems and in the end it was a blown fuse. It sounds like you have because you mention changing the fuse board, but just in case I thought I would comment.
  8. Well still fine but I am driving round like an old woman. Another week of quiet driving and I’ll start to push here, then take her for a blast.
  9. Nightmare, when you reset the TPS it changes the throttle pot values for min and max. There’s a setting and tick box to enable idle control and configure when it kicks in, have you tried to disable idle control and/or checked the throttle pot value it’s enabled at? I don’t think that’s the problem though as it wouldn’t have cleared the map like you describe and would only affect idle.
  10. Hi, I kept the imobilser in the end, turns out I had used one of my “dummy” wires. My own fault but after realising today I now have power to the fuel pump. I seem to have solved my problem, the issue now is I don’t trust it. Need to bite the bullet and go for a decent drive. Sat on the drive she performs as expected upto 3k, haven’t tested much over as I don’t want to annoy the neighbours too much. Driving round the block at 30 she seems OK as well, which wasn’t the same before. Hopefully when I’ve plucked up the courage to take her out properly I’ll give a positive update! thanks, Dan
  11. Replaced the wiring for injectors and ignition, I didn’t find any faults in the loom and I checked every pin. Now I have no high pressure fuel pump, no 12v supply. I wonder if I have found my issue.... I have an immobiliser fitted that’s spliced into both the hp fuel and the starter, both controlled off separate relay. The starter motor works fine so I know the immobiliser is getting the signal from key and disarming. Can anyone confirm that both the HP and LP fuel pumps are connected to the same relay? The LP pump works. I’ve checked and double checked the wiring and I think I might have a faulty relay in the immobiliser itself.
  12. I would think it will be fine and your overthinking it, something I always do :). You could ring GBS tomorrow to be sure? They are really helpful if you call them - don’t email, phone is quicker they can be slow to reply to mail. Ive rang a few times and asked questions and they were always happy to help.
  13. Here is the one I had, you can see no cap: https://www.kitspares.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&keyword=radiator&product_id=320 If it helps I changed to a different rad layer on that had an overflow pipe at the top. I capped it off with some old coolant hose as a stop gap and that’s never caused me problems. Maybe the rad doesn’t get above 10psi so the fact it has a cap on it doesn’t matter is what I am trying to say.
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