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Pinto alternator with CBS 12 module box


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As you say, the headlights via the ignition is up to you, On my car the headlights come directly through the ignition switch and the dipped lights come from the battery BUT via a relay that is poered through the ignition switch, this is how it was wired on the 1986 Sierra, although older cars don't have a dipped beam relay and younger cars have relays for both dipped and main beam. I think if you search the forums you will find this topic has come up before.

Now the flashers. I have looked in detail about how they operate using the Sierra loom, and I assume you are using the Sierra stalks ? So here is a brief description that hopefully explains which contacts on the stalk and flasher uniit are used an included the Sierra loom wire colours.

The flasher relay has 3 contacts, 31/brown-Earth,49/(black/red)-power, and 49a/(black/white/green)-output to the L/R indicator switch contact 49a on the steering column switch that has the l/r indictor switch and hazard warning button on it. In normal operation the column switch takes power from a fused contact that comes via the ignition switch to pin 54(Black) and it's output 49 feeds flasher contact 49 which gives a flashing output on 49a that goes back to the column switch 49a (you can see the correspondance of pin numbering here). The column switch then drives output pins R(Black/Green) or L(Black/White) depending on the position of the indicator stalk. When the hazard warning switch is engaged a whole load of contacts on the steering column switch change. Now the power feed to the flasher 49 still comes from 49 on the column swich however it is taken from a fused link directly to the battery and not via the ignition switch, this input is at pin H(30)(Red) on the column switch. The flasher unit is unaware of where the power is derived, so it still produces a flashing output on pin 49a which still feeds 49a back on the steering column. The change of switching caused by the hazard warning being engaged now feeds the flashing power from 49a to BOTH R and L outputs, so all the flashing lights flash.

Hope this might help check that your connections make sense.

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