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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, im a new member and just bought a robin hood. On driving the car back, i noticed the coolant temp up over 120 deg. Sated! Seemed high. I stopped several times on the way home to let it cool. The seller had told me it ran hot, 100 deg he said!....not 120 deg! Anyhow, managed to get home ok. I assume the wind through the nose cone kept the rad just cool enough not to blow! Went out yesterday with my son. Can kept stalling in low gears and i had to keep restarting. The engine got hlt again, up over 120 deg so i tried to trickle home, but alas did not make it before the engine started smoking and i lost power. So 1 day old, my new dream car is stuck in the garrage! Really upset. Im no mechanic, in fact im hopeless with engines, so i need some help, any help! Is anyone on here local enough to spare me a couple of hours to help understand whats wrong and hopefully help repair?
  2. I'm hoping one of you genuis's out there can help a novice... Indicators work OK but my hazards don't! I've checked the fuses (all OK) and I've replaced the switch and relay but still no joy? If I disconnect the hazard switch the indicators don't work, if I flick the hazard switch on then the indicators also don't work! If the hazard switch is connected but not turned on then the indicators then work again... I don't know very much about car electrics, well actually I know nothing, but I've done the basics and come up with a blank. Please tell me I'm being stupid, or more helpfully, can anyone enlighten me? Cheers Matthew
  3. I have fitted new camshaft and head I have been out for a run in it and then noticed on the cam data sheet that it should be at 105 degrees not 108 so I adjusted angle and now it wont run just pops and bangs on turnover so I turned it back to 108 and still no go I have checked everything 10 times over anyone got any ideas
  4. Guest


    Hello, after many years of looking, considering and wanting a Robin Hood 2B I have taken the plunge. Recently I had a baby daughter and most men sell their 'toy cars' but I did the opposite and bought one!! I have purchased a 2B which was featured in the Autumn 2009 edition of Boys in Hoods, and can I say how chuffed I am!!! If anyone out there would like to take a beginner under their wing and share knowledge of things like days out, where I can get parts from, good websites and anything else you think I need to know then please feel free to knowledge me. Many thanks Phil
  5. Guest

    Robin Hood S7 Rear Suspension

    Hi All, About 6 months ago i bought a half built S7, Since i have been reading that the S7 are more work to get a IVA Pass. I will have lots of question but i would be greatfull if someone would give me advice regarding the rear suspension. the guy who originally built the car put coil over suspension which is great but would you have a look at the attchd picture and give me your comments as im not sure it will pass IVA inspection. Thanks in advance, Nick
  6. Guest

    Engine Poor Running

    Hi, I've had issues with my engine for a month or so now, but I've not been using the car of late so haven't really tried to fix. Anyway, the car feels like its running out of petrol and cuts out. If you leave for 5 minutes it will start and drive okay, but if you accelerate hard it bogs down at high revs. I've stripped the carb, changed the coil and blew back the fuel lines. Still the same. Last night I checked the timing, again ok. Sprayed wd40 around card area but no leaks identified. Not really sure where to go from here? Any suggestions welcome..............Andy
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