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Guest Tim Norman

Plenty of offence taken. :glare: But having got in to a very public discussion previously I won't rise to it again. I've done my bit. Steve if you want to help the club move forward out of the previous "dinosaur age" then feel free to help it by giving up some of your time and put some effort in to the new comittee. I'm sure they will appreciate all the help they get.

Of the 700+ members of RHOCaR less than 15% actually use this website. I am sorry I didn't get to meet you in person, or if I did, you didn't voice your opinions to me in person. You do have some valid points all of which I have valid answers for.

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Guest Ian Marr

IMHO the club has gone from strength to strength in the last few years. Steve's remarks are, I think, well off the mark and out of tune with the vast majority of members ... if RHoCaR is run by dinosaurs then I say let the ice age wait a while. The crack, family friendly, welcoming club that exists now is due in main to those 'dinosaurs'. One of the best things about RHoCaR is that it is not a Catering Van/Westfield club ... who wants spick n span club/stand when spit n sawdust suits so many of us just fine ... this is not preserving an ancient way of doing things, the club has gone through a very positive and substantial change for the better in the recent past ... and long may it continue.


As Tim says ... "offense taken" ... :bad:


On a lighter, more sensible note ... how about the caption ...


"I really should not have had that ice-cream Steve - I think things are moving - oh!! - Sorry." :sorry:

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Guest chris brown
No, that is the job of the events secretary. As with any position of authority there comes increased responsibility and setting up events should come under the same banner (no pun intended) as any other organising of the event.

And why not head up there the day before and set it up? That again is all part of organising an event. A half arsed effort is very obvious, and doesn't help the club to shine and bring in more members. Hopefully the new committee will take on members ideas and bring the club into the 21st century and leave behind the old dinosaurs. There is a huge amount that needs to be addressed by the new committee and one of the biggest i believe is they way in which subs are paid.

It took me nearly 2 months from when i decided to renew until i was a 'member' I had to order a cheque book as i didn't think i needed one anymore as no-one else in the country wants cheques. Then wait weeks for it to be cashed and processed. In 2008 no-one is without a card that can have the whole job done in under 5 minutes. It certainly would bring in more members as we are in a lazy generation were people want things done now, not wait weeks. They say the club can't afford new flags and the like, A huge saving can be made by scrapping the mag. Is this really needed now we have the internet? articles can be written online, more pictures uploaded, and save the planet by not wasting paper. Tax disc holders, really necessary? i won't be putting my tax disc in it so some thieving scum can peel it of my windscreen. Cards, again not necessary, i have a stack of them in my bottom draw, exactly where they go after i open the membership pack, and exactly where they will stay.

calenders, 200 left! two hundred. and they are charity items. Why not donate a sum to the charity instead of waste the money with something that didn't sell? it is better to order too few and be in profit, than too many and lose money.

Same with the clothes, bulk purchases needed so that only items that are wanted and paid for in advance are ordered. I bet it was a chunk of my membership money that is sat in those unwanted t-shirts and fleeces in sues shed.

The club takes over £11,000 per year in membership fees, this could be put to so much good use to make rhocar stand out brighter than caterham and westfield clubs.

Please, new committee, do what is needed and have a shake up of the old system and make rhocar the biggest and best club out there.

If you feel that strongly about the way things are conducted then put your self up to join the committee also get your facts right before you into print. Next year can I suggest you go and join one of these "better run" clubs and pay your £50 or so. I assure you will not be missed by the RHOCaR members.


Sorry about this folks but I feel very strongly that the club should carry on along the lines that Tim and Sue have been doing for the last 6 years and as for telling Ian he should get there earlier to set things up. Well words fail me.


Rant over.

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Ok this is the first chance I've had to get to the computer since monday and it seems there are a few issues to address.

first the outgoing Chairman may have been- as has been suggested- a 'dinosaur' but he and Sue did a bloody good job of picking this club up off its knees 6 years ago and making it the 700+ member club we have to day, and once again I think we should thank them.

Also I'd like to thank the other members of the new committee for all their efforts over the weekend to make stoneleigh a success once again- especially Ian and Carol who worked tirelessly all weekend collecting from GBS and erecting gazebos, sorting out the barbeque, providing the meat for your pleasure, meeting and greeting, helping out with tents, staffing the club stand and then making sure it all went back away again at the end, absolutely brilliant - thanks.

Steve, i'm not sure why it took you over half an hour to find the camping area, as Mitch pointed out you were with us when we left the garage and from there in we did 40mph all the way and when i checked to make sure we were all together at the roundabout you were there with us.

As has been pointed out the area we camp on is hidden from the main show area so 5 metre banners would have no effect on being able to find it, not sure what happens at the other shows as the only other one i have camped at - Harrogate- has been scrapped, but i would guess we camp in the same spot every year and those that go either know the location or ask beforehand.

Yes the club has some money in the bank, which has been built up over the years as a contingency fund incase for some reason we have a sudden drop in membership renewal, but under normal circumstances the club runs at a break even level.

We could rush out and spend it all on a logo'd super gazebo with heaters and flashing lights but i dont think that would enhance the show experience for most members, the stand gazebo is mainly a meet and greet area that people pop into for a few minutes to say hello and catch up before going to enjoy the show.

We are looking into sorting out new vertical and horizontal banners to highlight the RHOCaR show area, but if you want a laser beam to guide you in you're going to be sadly disappointed.


Some other points for discussion.

The positions on the committee are VOLUNTARY ROLES not jobs, as are the Area Secs, there is no pay involved and we all have other jobs and commitments, and we were there a day beforehand to set up the gazebo and barbie etc and your help would have been appreciated.

Windscreen stickers are a sign of membership/ownership of the club and people enjoy a sense of belonging, I personnally want people to know I belong and put the new sticker in every year, as do plenty of others.

The calendars are a no cost item, thanks to Steve Altwasser, which enable the club to make a donation to charity, yes there are some left over so if anybody hasn't got one yet why not do it now and make your contibution.

Steve, I cant grasp your train of thought on the clothes, in one breath you say we should bulk order so items are readily available, then you moan about your subs being tied up in unsold clothes. Carrying large stocks has been tried and doesn't work as invariably you won't have the size or colour combination somebody wants.

The magazine is a bit of an issue as we are struggling for articles, but as has been mentioned only a small proportion of members frequent the website and the mag is their only point of contact with the club. On another level if the computer was the be all and end all of the written word there would be no libraries, people still love to read and receiving the magazine thru the post makes it a personal issue, not something that anyone in the world can access. These members pay subs as you do that fund the club, so what do we do?

Stop the magazine and alienate these members and lose that income, or carry on being the inclusive friendly club we are and in doing so maintain that income, which ultimately means the club survives?

Iknow which way I prefer it, so I ask you all to get your pens out and do an item for the magazine, big or small they all fill the pages.


Your commitment to the club is commendable and as you've gone to all that effort to get a cheque book it would be a shame not to put it to good use in renewing your membership in future years - how many cheques are left so that we can co-ordinate the change of payment methods to coincide with using the last one :D

If you feel you can give up any of your time to help the committee dont hesitate to contact me.



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I find it hard to understand how a member of a club that is based around lo-cost building of a car wants to spend spend spend. At the end of the show when we were HELPINgG to take down the stuff on the stand i did suggest branding up the gazibo may be with a velcro or as suggested popper system to attach a screen printed flag, and if we did have some printed (large like the england flags) could sell them and members use as surry tops. This would be a low cost way of branding.

If you feel some one should be ther to set up day be fore then is this your way of offering to do the job if not you would be better off lowering your tone!!!. Rant over

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Guest shaggy

Payment by lazy credit cards would incurr a 2.5% or 5% charge to the club, therefore increasing the subs to no benefit other than for the credit card companies.

Mag - great use of paper. As has been said before, not everyone access the web, and the mag is great loo reading (nearly as good as screwfix)

Subs should be increased though, by a couple of quid so extra funds are available for banners and the like.

I think the committee have done a sterling job, and hopefully Steve will continue in Tim & Sue's well trodden path.



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And why not head up there the day before and set it up? WE DID WE DO NOT LEAVE EQUMENT ALONE OVER NIGHT SO MOVE FROM CAMP AREA TO SHOW AREA EACH DAY


Tax disc holders, really necessary? Never had one do you mean the screen sticker


A huge saving can be made by scrapping the mag. Less than 50 % of members or on the net and only 20 % go to shows


calenders, 200 left! two hundred. and they are charity items. I personaly invest over 30 hours making the calender for Free so no loss to club total proffit to charity


Re Menber ship payments i am going to look at Pay pall and standing orders

The club takes over £11,000 per year in membership fees, this could be put to so much good use to make rhocar stand out brighter than caterham and westfield clubs.

Please, new committee, do what is needed and have a shake up of the old system and make rhocar the biggest and best club out there.


We are the best but not to brash and flash it is about the people we have and great frendship not all talk and show.


This is the first big show we have taken control over give us a year then stand your self if you dont like it.



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Firstly, no offence was intended, The dinosaur remark came from Tim's mouth at the AGM. I'm merely repeating his words about the 'old' committee.


Of the 700+ members of RHOCaR less than 15% actually use this website.

Then there is clearly a problem if you cannot get 595 of the clubs members to use the clubs site. The forum, as the name suggests is a place for members to come together, help each other and share ideas. Surely in this day and age 95% of club members have access to a computer, whether they use it is up to them, but if the magazine is all they join for, then putting it on-line would bring more members to the website. This would benefit the club anyway by the increased exposure of the advertising on the forum so in effect bring in more money for the club.


Yes the club has some money in the bank, which has been built up over the years as a contingency fund incase for some reason we have a sudden drop in membership renewal, but under normal circumstances the club runs at a break even level.

This is irrelevant really, If the club suddenly lost half its members, no contingency is needed. a huge chunk of the membership fund goes to all the bits and bobs like mags, stickers, cards, postage. so its a case of having less people to make them for so the costs remain the same. I have seen the finances so i can see where the money goes.


The positions on the committee are VOLUNTARY ROLES not jobs

Voluntary being the operative word. If you don't want the responsibility don't volunteer. No-one was forced into their committee role. But as a club committee you should listen to paying members ideas be constructive over them.


join one of these "better run" clubs and pay your £50 or so. I assure you will not be missed by the RHOCaR members.

Attitudes like that when it comes to constructive discussion is probably the reason why 85% of members don't want to use the forums.


Payment by lazy credit cards would incurr a 2.5% or 5% charge to the club, therefore increasing the subs to no benefit other than for the credit card companies.

not the end of the world, and after all, if the committee seem so uptight about the fact they are volunteers and don't get paid then surely this would save them from doing all the paperwork for cashing 700 cheques and running down the the bank to pay them in.


Just as an example, how many people here would buy something online, on ebay for example, and wait 6 weeks for it to come as you could only pay for it cheque? or get it next day for a little more?



And why not head up there the day before and set it up? WE DID WE DO NOT LEAVE EQUMENT ALONE OVER NIGHT SO MOVE FROM CAMP AREA TO SHOW AREA EACH DAY

So what is the issue then? The first point was that why should you head up there early, so if you already are there then what's your problem?


Less than 50 % of members or on the net and only 20 % go to shows

Does anyone know any membership stats or are these figures being plucked out the air?


calenders, 200 left! two hundred. and they are charity items. I personaly invest over 30 hours making the calender for Free so no loss to club total proffit to charity

But the remaining 200 hundred weren't at the show to sell. Why not?


We are the best but not to brash and flash it is about the people we have and great frendship not all talk and show.





My main point really, was that RHOCaR didn't really have any identity at the show last weekend. The suggestion of getting 5 metre banners, at not a great cost, would make the club stand out. If people want to hide away and be ashamed of owning a budget car, then don't take it to the show. The only way the club can survive into the future is Through its members. And the only way to get members is for the public to continue buying Robin Hoods. I spoke to a number of people interested in buying a robin hood. and even heard an unnamed committee member saying if someone asked him which model of car to buy he would say "none of them, they are crap".


Just to clear things up, I am a member, and committee member of other clubs and RHOCaR does have a few creases that need ironing out. It is a very cliquey club that hides away in the gazebo surrounded by wind breaks that is uninviting and intimidating to potential members and purchasers or our marque.

I have first hand experience in setting up club stands. infact i done one 2 weeks before stoneleigh and Yes, i got there early, transported and set up the flags and the rest of the stand. I arranged the cars coming onto our stand in an orderly fashion, a simple and 'free' thing to do, but one that makes the stand look profesional and organised. The shows are the face of the club, and as such should be well dressed as well as being attended. The number of cars on our stand that hadn't even been celaned for the show was unreal. It isn't hard to wash it before you drive down and remove the bug splats once there.


I don't think i'm out of place saying any of this. This is a democratic club and as such is obliged to hear out peoples concerns with how it is run.


Any problems, i will be at the Cheshire show, again, not able to drive to the show in the hood, but putting the effort in to trailer it there for the good of the club.

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Guest Daren.F

It sounds to me like Rhocar is not the club for you Steve, I mean no offence but you seem to have different requirements me.

I like it the way it is, thats why I am a member.


I did wash my car before putting it on the stand, because I wanted to but if it becomes a requirement I will go elsewere.

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not every one wants to spend all weekend washing and cleaning car weather this weekend would have ment cleaning every morning when you got to the stand sone of us just wanted to have a chat and a look round the show I thought that was what it all about. great time was had by most i think keep up the good work. suggestions are good preaching is not

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This is a shame and as another member has already mentioned perhaps this isn't the club for you Steve?


You seem to be a bit of a loan voice in this ... I only get to one or two shows a year and I go because I like to see my car parked up with many others of the marque, and I like to peruse the stands. I don't camp over and I don't spend all day on the site. I do spend quite a bit of time with my car to talk to people who are building or interested in building. I appreciate what the committee do and this is early days.


I don't want to see club money invested in a Caterhamesque marquee with the snobbery which comes with it. I have wondered about the magazine as it does seem that it is such an effort to fill it but I understand the Chairman's point that we here on the forum are NOT the complete 'RHOCAR', and that there are others, paid up members, who are not interested in the online community. I like the stickers and the cards ... they are the trappings of club membership and are a bit of fun. Oh, and I still use a cheque book often (Particularly for ebay as I wouldn't trust paypal having seen the number of fraud complaints we get); it's a personal preference and I'm sure I am not alone.


As for your statement that some drivers couldn't even be bothered to wash their cars ... are you serious?? My car was immaculate before I set out (yes, I am a bit anal about it) but it was so covered in crap from the M6 that even the small cleaning kit I brought with me wasn't going to touch it. I can't imagine punters walking away saying, "Did you see those filthy Robin Hoods? Outrageous! Let's go to Caterham and have a glass of bubbly whilst putting our feet up on the cushions listening to the jazz band". I don't think so.


My 'filthy car' (no, this isn't a photoshop job Eric!) Perhaps at Newark the club should put on a bikini car wash!



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Guest Bazwaz
Big ideas in Liverpool these days don't they ;) :lol:


Yes. They even thought they could win the Champions league. :D


Thanks to all at Stoneleigh. Your efforts are appreciated.



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like the car was idea enforcer can we poach the girl from that other flash expensive club who was wondering the halls in tight shorts. would have mine washe twice a day just to keep steve happy :D :D ;) ;)

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Always good to see a bit of lively debate :o :o if pushed I do think Steve has raised some valid points.


Most of the comments are the same as when this conversation last cropped up a couple of years ago, but perhaps put in a slightly more forthright way.


Since that topic has anything changed within the club - No

Has the number of hoods on the road gone down - No

Has club membership gone into decline over the last couple of years...? (Do I need to answer that one)


Like me many others have sold their hoods and moved onto different cars, but why are the new owners of the cars not being picked up?


Personally I have never had any problem with any club member and have even enjoyed a couple of beers ;) ;) /banter with a few. Perhaps the way Steve has been rounded on for raising a few areas that could be improved (The Tim comment has been explained) is perhaps systematic about what he is talking about?


In the interests of the club, if required I'm happy to expand on any of the comments!



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This was the first full show under the organisation of the new committee, which to me was as good as it was last year, so lets all calm down abit before things get out of hand.

If the members think we are doing a bad job after a year then you have your opportunity to change things at stoneleigh next May, til then let us get on with things as we see fit.

We are open to suggestions and as you made such a good job of organising a display just prior to the show i'd be keen to hear or see what you did so that maybe we can emulate your achievements.


I'll catch up with you all at capesthorne and maybe we can bounce some ideas around


ps the remaining 200 calendars weren't at the show because while filling up to go i managed to bust the fuel rail on my kit car, then when reloading all the gear into the tintop i forgot them, simple as that, sorry but I'm human and mistakes happen.



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