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Bonnet Vents.

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Guest scrabster

hi all, im still not happy with the way the engine bay gets hot as now it makes the carbs cough and splutter as though its misfiring,from cold it runs as sweet as a nut.im thinking of fitting a bonnet scoop as theres no louvres.the air is forced through the rad and my thinking is i need to get rid of the hot air thats passed through the rad either by a reverse scoop as i think it will be sucked out when at speed or a scoop mounted on the nosecone directley above the rad which is mounted almost horizontal(not ideal i know).at the moment im fabricating a flexy pipe to force some cold air to the back of the carbs to try and stop the fuel evaporation which i suffer when the engines hot.any thoughts on this prob?any one suffering the same with fireblade carbs?am i barking up the wrong tree and its something else?thanks in advance for your replies.

regards,jess. :unknw:


hi Jess


had exactly the same issue

I have the chrome side vents on each side of the bonnet plus a cowel on the top which I have an ally air channel for underneath

I also ducted through from the front grill to the side of the carb some ally 4" tube from wicks which did cure the issue and even when we were in Le Mans and the temp was 36 deg the car never faulted.



Guest scrabster

hi paul,thanks for the reply,ive been fabricating a cowl out of ally to try and force some air around the carbs.dont know why gbs stopped putting the vents in the bonnets.just glad to know there is a fix to the problem,i was going to book another rolling road session as i thought the carbs were out of tune.


Guest Stuartl

Does the misfire stop when you remove the bonnet, ie are you sure its the underbonnet temperature that is causing the misfire?


Thanks guys another job on my long list of jobs to do.



Mark, don't vent your motor anywhere until after IVA mate, the examiner would probably deem them too sharp

on their edges and that would mean you might kill a pedestrian if they walked past your car and they might be

a NASA scientist and then they wouldn't notice the giant asteroid heading too earth and the world would end in

an apocoliptic explosion all because you had a bonnet vent!! Perhaps... maybe... what if it did?? =@ =@


:crazy: :wacko: :unknw: :wacko: :crazy:

Guest dinger

do you think this small vent will be enough to keep temp down :)


Are you going to mount your rear view mirror on the rocker cover?


I can only assume you were being sarcastic when you said "small vent" What are you going to cover it with and how comes its sitting that high? is this a problem with all the DOHC engines?


I have a kia sedona bonnet vent that just fits over the hole

I lifted the engine so that when the sump is chopped it well give me decent ground clearance


Cheers Paul

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I am using normal carbs and I was going to fit a air vent/scoop is there any IVA requirements besides blunted edges?


Also how do you paint ABS plastic yellow to match GRP?


Can't wait to see the finished scoop.



Guest john wilkins

I had the fuel vaporisation problem on my 3a - one solution is to run a flexible hose from the nosecone through the spare L/H/D steering column hole and direct it on to the carbs to get cold air where it is needed. Have also fitted two extra ABS vents on each side of the bonnet which Car Builder Solutions (Part no ABSVNT2) supplied (01580 891309) or www.cbsonline.co.uk.


Guest scrabster

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hi all,heres my attempt at trying to force air around the carbs.made from air ducts from a truck dashboard from work so no cost involved :D .

oh i forgot the realy expensive rivets from b&q,the robbing b;\'[;ds.£2.48 for 25 , 1/8 ally rivets,almost 10p each :o ,from my usual supplier they are 2 for 1p.any way moan over and job done,comments good or bad welcome.


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