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Log Book

Guest peter2b2002

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Guest peter2b2002

does any one know , do you need the log book for your build up report or for any thing else , as i'm trying to sell the body shell and I have been asked for the log book


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Hi Peter,

I believe you need to surrender the donor look book when you come to register your kit if you are aiming for the age related plate. Whilst you won't be issued the actual reg from the donor, you should get the same year prefix using a previously un-issued number/letter combo.

Without the logbook you'll get a Q plate for sure.

When i sold the shell from my donor, it went without the V5 and i also removed the chassis plate to keep also. Any numbers stamped (under drivers seat area) i made illegible with the grinder. The shell went to a bloke re-building a race car.



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I did the same as Nick,, removed all signs of ID from the shell and sold the shell and interior to a guy that strips sierra's,


If you are going to sell the shell make it clear that there is NO ID with the car,





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Same as Nick.

But... be warned my brother in law has just been fined because he could not prove the vehicle was destroyed i.e. Destruction certificate issue by a reputable End of life vehicle business and not informing DVLA.



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Believe you are allowed to "self distruct" your donor. I got done for failing to keep up SORN ("we are not obliged to remind keepers" but fine is very quick after due date) so sent them notice of scrapping & several pictures of stripped Sierra,which is still in use as a grit blast cabinette,no more hassle. Trust I can get age related plate by presenting all the vehicle tags. <_<

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Guest chris brown
Trust I can get age related plate by presenting all the vehicle tags.


Unless things have changed Bob you need the V5 from the donor to get age related plates and DVLA then keep the V5 at registration of the kit as they have then seen sufficient of the car to say it has been scraped.

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Guest Getting There



Thats what I did, declared as scrapped and kept the V5, they told me that so long as I was the last registered keeper then I was fine.


Hope that helps,


Cheers Chris

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Guest Vindi_andy

I declared my sierra as scrap and had a major fight on my hands to get an age related plate. They were going to issue Q plate. You need to keep the V5 and destroy the identity of the shell as has been said. Also keep photos of you actually stripping the vehicle. This is the only thing that saved me from getting a Q plate and the examiner said she had to do a lot of running around and sending emails to get me an age related plate and wouldnt do it again.


I think the only reason she did it for me was because we had been advised to scrap the vehicle and we had the name of the person that told us. The person didnt explain that what they meant was physically scrap it but dont declare it as scrapped.

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I'll try and clarify this if I can,


If you declare the car as scrap, you have declared that the whole car was scrapped and not just the shell, which means the DVLA remove it competely from the system, the Log book will no longer be valid and legally has to be destroyed. this is to stop the ifentity being used on another vehicle that thas been stolen/cut and shut, generally called a "ringer"


I'd imagine its very hard to get an age related plate without a valid logbook, as Tango has mentioned.


We had this issue a few years back when cossie logbooks were used to register standard sierra's that had stolen running gear fitted, and being sold on as genuine cossie's.


In effect, what you have to transfer is as much of the donor vehicle as possible to get the age related plate, if the DVLA's computer says the car has been srapped then all you have is an void logbook, therefore have no proof that any of the donor car was used,


The logbook needs to be in your name and declared as SORN, making the logbook valid, all you need to do then is remove all ID form the shell to stop it getting back on the road and sell it as "metal" and not a car,


Hope that helps



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Guest peter2b2002

cheers for the info, I thought I would try and sell the shell with out a log book for parts rather than a re build, just trying to get more back that taking to a scrap yard


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