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2.0 pinto bottom end knocking


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That doesnt sound like big end knock. Its a bit too fast and not deep enough. 
Hows the oil pressure?
check the sump hasnt been bashed upwards. I had a similar knock when I went over a big road hump.
It was the big end bolt and the conrod tapping on the sump.
try using a long screwdriver as a stethoscope. Put the end at various point of the engine and put the handle end near or in your ear.

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Once put a 1.6 engine in a 1.3 Escort can't remember the reason why but we put the 1.3 sump on the 1.6 engine, presumably for crossmember clearance but this was back in the 70's & remembering why I've come upstairs is hard enough let alone something from 40 odd years ago. But the first time we started it up it made a right racket all the big ends were hitting. Nothing at a 18 year old & a hammer couldn't fix though.

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