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phaeton last won the day on June 8 2021

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    Currently Kitless looking for inspiration
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  1. Speak to your accountant, although I do know somebody who puts everything he spends on his kitcar through the books, how risky it is I have no idea.
  2. I'm sure they could come up with a reason to charge an extortionate amount of money for it as well.
  3. But it was never 'random people' you had to & still have to have a valid reason, one of the old acceptable valid reasons was you used to own the car previously, they have now stopped that. https://www.gov.uk/request-information-from-dvla/request-information-about-another-vehicle-registered-keeper You can ask for details of another vehicle’s registered keeper. You’ll need a ‘reasonable cause’, for example: finding out who was responsible for an accident tracing the registered keeper of an abandoned vehicle tracing the registered keeper of a vehicle parked on private land giving out parking tickets giving out trespass charge notices tracing people responsible for driving off without paying for goods and services tracing people suspected of insurance fraud
  4. The will tell you the square root of bugger all, I tried it for one of my old kits, they hide behind the new GDPR rules, they used to be able to do it but no longer.
  5. Not saying don't do it this way, but be very careful if you do, do not get the head too hot or as before it will burn into the gel coat.
  6. When you scrap the shell if you use a registered dismantler or registered scrap merchant they will ask for the car Reg No, they will mark the vehicle as scrap, however you will retain the V5C which you can send in with your application
  7. Personally I would take an angry grinder to the underside, cut the the bolt & the nut off, I'd probably come at it so that you're cutting the bolt in half from the top if that makes sense to keep the blade away from the bracket, you should then be able to peel the remainder of the nut off. Take it steady & don't get the bolt too hot otherwise it may make a mess of your gelcoat.
  8. One of the questions on registering is how was the rest of the vehicle scrapped so they expect it to be scrapped, you will be fine that's how it's supposed to be done.
  9. Never found the need myself, but I would try the usual suspects, Adrian Flux, Graham Sykes, A Plan or Howden as they are now known, if they don't do it they may be able to suggest another that does.
  10. They are Anuba hinges apparently available from your friendly Fleecbay supplier Heat would be the ideal solution but with the vinyl so close it's not going to be an option, but something like PlusGas will eventually get there, another option if feasible would be a small tray with diesel in, then invert the hinges into it. Alternatively if they snap, drill out & rethread
  11. JCB certainly think so, we have to get away from traditional fossil fuels, but I'm not convinced EV is the way forward, this was seized upon by greedy venture capitalists & not true environmentalists, there has to be a better way. I also think it would be better if the cars were made to last & not be disposable items, our main car is 17 years old, yes it will have created an environmental impact, but in the same period other people will have had 5-6 new cars which will have created far more impact. Bearing in mind this is just the ramblings of an old man & not based on any facts whatsoever
  12. Green certainly not, anything that has Lithium in it is not green, eventually Hybrid will be the solution but we're years away from it being reality
  13. Randomly changing the valve timing isn't really the way to do it, you could end up burning out your valves, if you have the setup from the machinist then you should be using a dial indicator to set them up as per spec.
  14. I would expect a Tiger Cat E1 or something like that, but definitely not a Ford Sierra
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