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Posts posted by MarkBzero

  1. Welcome to the forum, you have the skills and tools you only need time and money.


    All questions answered on this site go on join RHOCAR and see who is near you when you need a helping hand or face to face advice.




  2. John,

    Making more progress than me right now. I will get some picture uploaded one of these days, maybe when its to cold to go into the garage.


    ALso where did you get the new brake master cylinder and reservior from please?



  3. Matt moo - I used the chat room yesterday first time I have visited and actually used it to talk to someone. Normally I all alone sniff, sniff :( however it was good but I had a constant clicking sound is this normal (similar to the noise when you click a mouse button)?


    What about a web cam feature then we can se each other and show our cars if we had a problem/fault etc.




    PS. not that I get much time to get on the PC.

  4. Keep as is.

    I originally wanted a 2b but due to work, family and cash flow it was not really possible. When that all settled down I reviewed my options and stuck with RH and selected the Zero for no other reason than it was the latest model. I still review all topics new and old as previously stated most of the car is the same. Also there is a lot of experience on this forum with valuable information.


    Pat on the back to all you make this a great forum not only the car........ :friends: :clapping: :drinks:


  5. Hi,

    I agree with Spencer totally. The rear bushes went well but the front had to use extra washers because the bush and tube was too short and I didn't like the thought of the front suspension arms sliding front to rear.




  6. Matt,

    My opinion - the Zero is great, yes there are a few teething/annoying problems however ask a question on this site and someone will answer your question. Trust me we have all asked something we have thought is daft. Any difficult issues offer tea and biscuits and someone will even visit your garage to help.


    Great forum support and GBS are always helpful. Try to visit the Stafford kitcar show in September.


    Best of luck.



  7. I am using normal carbs and I was going to fit a air vent/scoop is there any IVA requirements besides blunted edges?


    Also how do you paint ABS plastic yellow to match GRP?


    Can't wait to see the finished scoop.



  8. Ian,


    Looks a bit pricy I had the air filter cover chromed two weels ago and it cost me £20. But what the hell it looks really good and would be a great addition to the car. What else could you fit with such a 'wow' impact.



  9. Spencer,

    It would be good to see a side picture if possible please. I have not fitted the rad yet because I have no nose cone until Stafford. A little issue when I picked the Zero up.



    I like the hose tunnel through the chassis but same as Steve no welding gear.


    Regards all.


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