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Hoody Raffle


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been upto hr dept (Procter & Gamble) today to collect some smellies for raffle prizes.


mens Hugo Boss Baldessarini Strictly Private 50ml spray and 75ml after shave balm (worth about £56)

womens Hugo Boss XX 40ml spray & 150ml spray deo (worth about £35).


worth chancing a quid for

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I've had a chat with my boss and said he would sort out some RAC branded products for the raffle, looks like a few real interesting motoring based books too.



Cracking stuff chaps,

Keep it coming, anything will do to help.

A spanner, rivnuts, washers a free IVA pass :rolleyes:

This will all make the top prize groups more attractive, collate more dosh and show we can do what we have set out to do..

And hopefully raise an amount worthy of the biggest kit car community in the world.

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Hi Andi...

Don't know if you've seen the radiator grills i make or not?? But if you think it's a viable prize, you can put a voucher in for one if you like.

It could be for a 2B or a Zero and the winners name/nickname could be in it too, their choice.

Let me know if interested and it's another prize in the pot. :good:


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Hi Andi...

Don't know if you've seen the radiator grills i make or not?? But if you think it's a viable prize, you can put a voucher in for one if you like.

It could be for a 2B or a Zero and the winners name/nickname could be in it too, their choice.

Let me know if interested and it's another prize in the pot. :good:



Nice one Nick,

PM sent

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anything that can help this cause is applauded.

a raffle , anything . well done guys for the effort ,

i will participitate of course .




ps stafford ????????


Hi Graham

What I am thinking is to have a Saturday and Sunday raffle at Stafford with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize hoards on both days.

There has been some kind offers already and if I could get a definate list just before the show I could print out some list items.

If folk still wanted to donate on the day they could drop stuff off at the RHOCAR stand and I will pencil it in, in addition.

If we have stuff left over, say that was not wanted by the winners we could ebay it.


Thats my loose ideas anyway.



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Guest zoomzoom

Its funny but Baxter isnt usually a softy but after Spencer told him that Hoody bear needs to raise funds to help his drink problem he offered 2 yokohama parada 2 tyres in the size 195/50/15/V for the raffle. He said he can post them on to the lucky winner rather than bring them to the show.

I think he's going soft!



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Okey dokey`s

So far we have


3 bottles of wine

a gift from CBS

AA manual

2x yokohama tyres (Saturday)

2x yokohama tyres (Sunday) Tyres will be despatched to winner via DHL kind regards of Zoom

Carbon fibre nose cone grill

Mens Hugo Boss spray

Womens spray`s

RAC branded motoring books

Regulator and filter for compressors


I am planning on calling Saturdays prizes at 3pm and Sunday at noon


A massive thanks to all who have donated and we still have plenty of room for more.




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Hi Andi,


Had a chat with our memberships manager today and I have been able to secure


One years Roadside and Recovery Membership worth £80


I have also been given 20 RAC Caps, possibaly not a raffle item but if anyone wants one then a small donation can be given to hoody.


Could you put that in your list please Andi where you feel relevant,


Many thanks





I will also have my membership pack with me where I can give 25% discount, We dont get commission on these but if I sell enough I am eleible for a gift,, which can go into the next hoody bear raffle,

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Nice one Dave,

Its all starting to look very appealing :clapping:





3 bottles of wine

a gift from CBS

AA manual

2x yokohama tyres (Saturday)

2x yokohama tyres (Sunday) Tyres will be despatched to winner via DHL kind regards of Zoom

Carbon fibre nose cone grill

Mens Hugo Boss spray

Womens spray`s

RAC branded motoring books

Regulator and filter for compressors

Bottle of bubbly

One years Roadside and Recovery Membership worth £80.

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Guest jetskijase

right thats me buying some tickets!!! need 4 tyres!!!! :rolleyes:


are we doing a call for each prize seperatley or are we going to be able to go upto the table and choose?


Think going to the table to choose would be better.

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right thats me buying some tickets!!! need 4 tyres!!!! :rolleyes:


are we doing a call for each prize seperatley or are we going to be able to go upto the table and choose?


Think going to the table to choose would be better.


Yes Jase, that seems ok, but it would mean that to win you would have to be there at the ticket calling though

Or would that be anarchy?

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