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After reassembling my 2l Pinto I find it will not accerated below 2000rpm and then takes off like a rocket. Although I had not disturbed the Distributor I strobed the Ignition and found it firing at tickover 8 degrees AFTER tdc and when revved just coming up to tdc (I did change plug Leads/Rotor Arm etc)

Engine has Bosch dist with Hall Effect and Vac pipe goes to ECU. Haynes says timing is factory set but can be adjusted. Any ideas on what has happened? Which bolt do I loosen to adjust Distributor? Is it the one that goes into Block?

Cheers. Mick.


Hi Richyb66. I removed the Head. Although I did not disturb the Distributor, as I said, I did change Rotor/Cap etc. The Bosch distributor has a strange Rotor Arm in that it only has a 10mm hole that goes over the Rotor shaft. I had great trouble sourcing one so wonder if it is incorrect. I will put all the original stuff back on tomorrow and see the effect that has.

Cheers. Mick.

For Leslie's info. If you have a marking for 8 degrees btdc then by using a ruler you can measure the distance to tdc. Measure and mark the same distance the other side and you have a mark for 8 degrees AFTER tdc (simple).


Hi Mick,

If you've had the head off you will have had the timing belt off which means your distributor drive could now be a tooth or 2 out.  It's easy enough to loosen the dizzy and adjust it a few degrees - I don't think you'll need to take the belt off unless the dizzy won't turn far enough.

Hope this helps,  Steve.

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