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E10 or E5


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Belive it or not, ive had the car since August last year and I haven't put fuel in yet (came with full tank and kept braking down last year) once it's back on the road (hopefully next week) I'll need to fill up, ive done a search but searching for e10 and e5 brings nothing up, alot of the stations round here no sell the e10, so is e10 OK running in a 2.0l pinto with twin webbers? Or am I better off searching around for e5?

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I'm sure there are sites that will tell you if your car will need e10 or e5. You'll have to put in the details of the donor for your kit (eg. Ford Sierra) because they wontbhave kits in the list. If you don't know the donor, I'd suggest finding a model of car that had your engine, roughly, and use that.

Having said that, I'm fairly sure that any Ford engine before 2000 or so really needs e5 but don't quote me.

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Not much help to Superspec owners though 😀


The other problem for us is that while the site can tell you about the engine, it doesn't tell you about your fuel lines, which may or may not be E10 compatible.   I still use E5.


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Doesn't help you anyway as there are multiple issues, depending on how old the Pinto is it may not have hardened valve seats so may need additives, but it's not only the engine, it's the hoses that carry the fuel, many hoses before 2000ish will slowly disintegrate from the inside taking the  crap into your engine. Any build before 2000 really ought to have any rubber hoses replaced

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Thanks guys, I did check the gov website but it just asks for make of car, according to them all ford cars manufactured before 1992 should use e5 except Mondeo 1.8, I'll do as kenner says and just use vpower or in my case it'll be momentum as the nearest shell is about 15 mins away, I used momentum in all my imprezzas and my rs4's 

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