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Jonty Wild

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Everything posted by Jonty Wild

  1. Thank you, Happy New Year to you and all members. I hope you (we) all have a trouble free motoring year.
  2. Welcome, looks good
  3. Well I have pressed it at all sorts of times; engine running, engine not. One day I'll go behind that dash and tract the wiring to it - if there is any!
  4. Could be but I was hoping for a faulty ejector seat and that I could fix it when I take the seat out to fit runners. It can't be for the heated rear screen or central locking or sun roof. Any other suggestions
  5. I suppose that might be nice, but it serves no purpose to them and the bottom line it is not really what they are paid to, so yes they would want payment and I suspect there would still be data protection issue. I might add that I found the person who built my car and he would not respond to any of my enquiries/messages. He probably thought that I had found something wrong with it and didn't want leave himself open to criticism or a load of questions - there isn't anything wrong as far as I know, but I would like to know what the silver button on the dash is supposed to do!
  6. It is called data protection. Personally I am glad random people cannot find out who owns a particular car (registration) and where they live. It would be a wonderful tool for car thieves, scammers. Even the Police can get into trouble if they try to find out details of car owners without reasonable cause/need.
  7. Jonty Wild


    No I am not I always use gasket paper. I was just intrigued by the use of cereal packet (ref. above) and how long that would last.
  8. Jonty Wild


    Pretty sure it did. Now that I think about it I don't think they made it clear and that's why I ordered one and why I ended up with a spare. Best call them to double check though.
  9. Jonty Wild


    Really, but for how long?
  10. Jonty Wild


    When I ordered a thermostat from Burton, I was able to order a spare separately. which I did, so pretty sure you get them from there. Or yes buy some quality gasket paper (worth keeping some anyway) and cut your own
  11. Sorry I am away this weekend.
  12. Up date, in case anyone is interested. I have now done over 50 miles now in 2 or 3 outings (4 if you include the MOT, just down the road) and no overheating and the tiniest loss of water, probably still slightly overfilled. What a relief and what fun to drive!
  13. I am looking to tailor something, though I wasn't expecting to be able to drive in it. (See Robin Hood 2B Shower Cap ) and my next step was to get something cheap from eBay to tailor to try before trying for something of higher quality Can you give a link to what you bought? and what tape have you used to seal the new joints
  14. I have created another post called "Robin Hood 2B Shower Cap" and will use this to ask further questions and document success or failure and, if I can work out how to do it, will close this one a redirect
  15. Thanks, not yet. I think that will be and expensive material - something for after the concept has been tested a lot more.
  16. Looks great thank you, will study and ponder.
  17. Very helpful, thank you. I am not expecting the 'cap' to be 100% waterproof - although obviously that would be ideal, 95% plus would be good! It is really just to stop the interior getting wet during when parked at events if the weather starts looking dodgy. If I have to drive in the rain at least the seat will be dry starting off! I think strong wind and especially with rain, will be the biggest problem, with the way I am attempting to fix it on the car. Thinking about this project last night, while falling asleep. I have decided to finish tidying up my template (old roller blind material), and try overlapping the rear quarter two cuts semi-sealed with press studs to start with - the joins at the top of each will be the most likely source of some leakage, although I think I have an idea to help this. To this end I am going to produce a 'Beta' version to further test the concept over time before buying more expensive material and I am just about to look for a general car cover to buy that I can then cut up and fit. It may all going horribly wrong yet, but worth a try.
  18. It was a much newer post, but any help appreciated. Thanks. Maybe I saw it it on Facebook, but I cannot find it there either.
  19. Okay, I don't want to fit the roof and doors that I have - well I might fit the doors, if I use it in the winter, but I want to showerproof the cabin area for when it is parked. This is really so that I have more confidence to take it further, and to events, without having to worry too much about the weather and not feeling that I have to rush away just because of a little rain. My current choice is to create a shower cap. A while back I created a template, from cut up bits of cardboard and marked it up on some old window blind material. Today started fitting it to fine tune the fit, although the original template was a bit rough, it is actually going better that I expected and I think that I can fit it mostly using studs that are already on the car, rather than lots of bungee cords that I thought I would have to use. Unfortunately, I had to stop when I ran out of stud fixings, so I have ordered some more. While I wait, I have some questions, for all you experts: Has anyone sourced waterproof material that might be suitable for this work? I will need about 2.8m by 2.5m, needs to be relatively easy to cut and sew - if I make it myself. It doesn't have to be as strong at normal roof/tonneau material, as I will not be driving with it on the car, but I don't want it to stretch too much over time. In case I need help to make it or sew it up - I don't have any sort of sewing machine at the moment. Has anyone had similar bespoke work done done by a company they can recommend? Ideally, I think, I will need it cut to my template, 'hem' all round and sew 2 short seams for the rear quarters. I will need to add a few stud fixings - probably 6 or 8. What is the best way of drilling the stainless without damaging the surrounding area? I have visions of drill bits sliding across the stainless steel as I start drilling! Has anyone fitted a detachable central beam/tube from the rollbar to the windscreen. I don't think this is essential, but it would help keep the shape in rain/wind.
  20. Having failed to find one, I am trying to create a 'shower cap' to put on the car when I am out in it and it looks like rain (i.e. not for driving under). I am only in the template stage at the moment. Someone posted a photo of a roof (not a full roof) they created, and when I asked whether the material was waterproof they kindly replied with a link to the supplier. For the life of me I cannot find it again. Can anyone point me to it?
  21. Thank you. I hope to take it for a decent run tomorrow or next week, with a water container, just in case. On balance I would like to fit a basic expansion tank, as it would certainly do no harm, but space it very tight. So if anyone has photos of where they installed theirs in a 2.0l 2B , and what type/make they installed I would be very interested.
  22. Thanks for this, I thought that I already knew how they worked, and for the l most part I did, but I definitely learnt from the second video. Despite maintaining my own cars for years I didn't know about the low pressure valve in the rad cap - although logically I should have realised, coz' I wondered how the water would get back in passed the rad cap seal. Still not sure if I need one or not. There is a reasonably simple answer of course. If I run it and it is not over heating and I lose water then I do. I was hoping/expecting that if most people running 2.0l Pinto engines said they had one or if they were fitted by Ford originally, then I would need one. I had a 2.0l Capri back in the 80s, but I can't remember if it had one let alone whether is was a header or expansion tank. At this point, I have decided to I am being dopey, rolled my brain back into position and looked at my Haynes manual! All the engines pictured have expansion tanks, so if Ford thinks the engine needed one that I guess it does - back to my tape measure and eBay!
  23. I am sure no front plate is definitely illegal. Unless, maybe, you take 2 wheels off and call it a motorbike!
  24. It is one thing matching the spacing, colour yellow/white (age dependant - I don't know whether black and silver could be put on a Q plate car) and reflectivity and another to match vertical (or near as practical). I think that in most cases your will get away with adhesive on the nose cone for instance, BUT if you do something stupid, or the car is not obviously roadworthy or the policeman is having a bad day, it will be something they will decide to 'do' you for.
  25. In counts if it contains water and if the hose goes to the bottom of the bottle so that it can 'suck' back fluid as the pressure drops.
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