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Everything posted by Shaft

  1. Thanks for that Steve, i assume that has something to do with the exhaust side?? Does the CVH use the type 9 box?? Cheers, Nick
  2. Cheers for that Mitch, are the 1.6 / 1.8 CVH or DOHC?? what gbox do they use?? I was assuming to go Pinto for ease of original build to fit too factory spec chassis, what with buying the Plus kit. Nick.
  3. Hi all, does anyone know where the sierra pinto's are being secretly sold??? pmsl I'm collecting my Zero plus kit in December and was hoping to have all the parts prepped and ready for then. I'll be lucky to have a donor by then at this rate. Was watching one on Fleabay at the weekend but it went for stupid money, i'd rather buy a recon box and diff, new hubs etc than pay somebody stupid dollar for a 20 year old pile of crap. Not bothered about condition of the engine as it will be binned straight after IVA. Cheers all, Nick
  4. Torque to "3 grunts" using an 18 inch breaker bar. Nick.
  5. Use a good quality thread lock such as Loctite 270 and then fit nyloc nuts on the back also. Belt and braces are always best in my book. Nick.
  6. Shaft

    Stafford Show

    Dan / Maco, let me know when the meet is too please. I'm only at Heanor so local to me too. Picking my zero kit up December so hopefully be ready for the summer?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All, As for the club??? i can't really comment yet as only just joined, but i can say, i broke the ice with 3 or 4 people in a group at the Rhocar stand at Stafford and i was deeply engaged in detailed technical speak for a good 10 mins. not a hint of negativity from anyone.............. just smiles and genuine interest in the bloke who just ordered a Zero. Nick.
  7. Sorry, no pic mate, but roughly speaking, there where 2 off tubular shaped light mounts to take the NAS round lights. They protruded out rearward, horizontally about 1 1/2". Shaft.
  8. Andi, yes, i was that impressed with them, so much so, i ordered a pair to go with the zero plus kit i also ordered at the show. I doubt they would do them in St/St though, it was just a modified mould of the standard part for the F/glass. Tooling to press St/St into that shape would cost a fortune unless he was ordering a couple of thousand off??? Shaft.
  9. LOL!! I heard a rumour that if i turn the build manual upside down and start reading from the back using a mirror in the dark.................... It helps??
  10. Hi Sharky, thanks for the welcome, really appreciated. I'm building my 1st kit car so this is all new, but i've built around 6 off road race motors (Landrover based) so not afraid of the spanners and welder. The only thing that will be new to me will be the asthetic's of it all, lol, i think thats where i'll need the most guidance and pitfall bridges. Where abouts in Sussex you from?? I'm from Rustington originally, been up here about 34 years though. still visit family though. Shaft.
  11. Cheers Smartfazer, been there, done that. Fully fledged RHOCAR member now. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello to all from a new member then. Nick.
  12. Hi Smartfazer, i was chatting to some RHoCAR members yesterday. I would of liked to of joined there and then, but i literally had a fiver left in my wallet after paying the deposit on the zero. How do i join from my armchair so to speak?? because the responses and friendliness on here are very impressive. Cheers, Nick (AKA... Shaft)
  13. Hi Yanto, yes mate, ordered the plus kit. Daft not too really with all the stuff you get that you NEED. lol Going to go with the Pinto for starters, then post IVA............... who knows. Nick.
  14. Hi to all, just thought i'd tell everyone that i've just ordered my Zero Plus kit whilst at the Stafford show!!!!!! So, new build starting soon, just need to find a 2l pinto EFi Sierra now. Any help in my search massively appreciated. Non driver no problem as i have a car trailer. Regards to all and look forward to getting to know some of you. Nick (aka... Shaft)
  15. Hi all, forgive the title of this thread, i couldn't resist. I'm very undecided whether to go for the 2b or the Zero?? Any ones opinions on the two, positive or negative would be greatly appreciated as i'm off to the Stafford show on Saturday and would like to attend fully jenned up on the pro's and con's. Ease of build is not an issue. Regards, Nick.
  16. Thanks for that. Do you have to prove that the parts other than the engine came from the same car?? if so, how?? The gearbox no isn't recorded on the V5c.
  17. Hi Nick, i'm in Heanor. Approx 10 mins from M1 J27. Best regards, Nick.
  18. Hi all, new builder here. After some advice please. If i bought one of the shiny new 2.0 Zetecs from GBSC, could i send off the V5C of the donor car to DVLA and have the engine no changed to the Zetec so as to enable me to keep the age related plate without any problems at IVA / DVLA inspection, or are they too wise to this little loophole nowadays ?? Thanks.
  19. Nice sounding set up. How far with your build are you?? I've just sold my Bowler (offroad racer) tonight, so it's all systems go on a visit to RH and sourcing a Sierra. On the Zetec note, i've now seen them from GBSC on Ebay for £700 or best offer. might offer £600 lol. Where abouts are you??
  20. Hi Peter, try RS mate, they do almost everthing you can imagine electrical. Not the cheapest, but ok for those awkward hard to find bits. Regards, Nick
  21. thanks mcramsey, i'm a V8 man myself, comes from my offroad racing. I was thinking of the Pinto only because it would be in the donor car and would bin it after IVA when i can really set too on designing my motor to work rather than be all squidgy and soft so the nice man doesn't cut himself!! sorry............. going off on one there a bit lol. You say £800 for a zetec???? according to website kit price they want £2200. not questioning you at all, just if thats the case, i can feel a change of engine number on the Sierra's V5c coming on.
  22. Thanks mcramsay. just been reading about a '205' block. Is this something special?? the article said it's the best block for tuning?? where these in Sierra's or pre Sierra?? I said my questions would be many and varied!! lol.
  23. Hi all, firstly, may i take this opportunity to say what a great site this is. Hope you can all cope with the many and varied questions i'll no doubt be asking over the coming month's. LOL. Just registered as i'm going to build a 2B+ (hopefully this side of christmas i'll order my kit ) just need to get rid of my offroad race motor first. Anyway..................... could somebody please tell me what year's Ford fitted the 2l pinto to the Sierra?? loads of Sierra's around but not sure if i would be looking at the right one?? Well, there's my 1st question over with. I look forward to joining the club in the not to distant future. For reference, i live in Derbyshire, so if any one nearby, hello. Regards, Nick.
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