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Everything posted by BigLee

  1. Hi Steve, If your're not sorted yet a friend of mine says he has some brand new ones. His website is linked here. Will do mail order anywhere. regards Lee Betacar - Italian Car Specialists
  2. BigLee

    S7 Hood

    Where are you Steve? I have an old orig hood that I am replacing with a new S7 hood that I managed to buy second hand. (Winter job) I'll try and get some photos for you in the next day or to, alternatively you may wish to borrow the old hood for a while to get an idea/rough pattern for whoever makes it up for you ( If you're local) Cheers Lee
  3. More appropriate for people in the IT industry getting shafted, but I'm sure we can all relate to it. - I know I work for a big blueish sort of co. I thought it was funny - perhaps it's just me. NOTE SOUND Click Here Cheers Lee
  4. Hi Barry . You can download movie file by right clicking link below and saving to your hard drive. Right Click here to download - It is 2.4 MB! Then create a new text file in the same directory that you saved the movie to and paste in this code <http> Click to play<br> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="170" HEIGHT="130" id="rainbow" ALIGN="" BORDER=1><param NAME="movie" VALUE="rainbow.swf"><param NAME=quality VALUE=high><param NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#006699><embed src="rainbow.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#006699 WIDTH="170" HEIGHT="130" NAME="rainbow" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed></object> <br><br> <a href = "http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/rainbow.swf"> click to download from website</a> </http> THEN Save file as rainbow.htm When you double click this rainbow.htm file movie will play in your browser. As long as swf file and htm file are in same directory you can copy to disc. Cheers Lee.
  5. Might I add, I have this set up and I think a header tank might be the best answer. Currently have a large bore pipe from bottom of tank (15mm) into fuel pump (gravity fed). This on its's own isn't enough to overcome fuel sloshing and picking up air. Now have a pump pre-filter ( which is definately required) in line. This is a cheap bowl type thing from Halfrauds. Still not enough to overcome any sloshing as I have to run tank at full or nearly full. As soon as I've used a tenners worth left hand corners are a nightmare!!!. I'm having a tank fabricated in the winter with internal swirl pot and internal pump and I'm hoping this will cure it. Cheers Lee
  6. BigLee

    A 2 Z Of Cars

    Missed X ? Suppose Xsara doesn't count!
  7. BigLee

    A 2 Z Of Cars

    Sorry I'm not playing the game Caterham !
  8. BigLee

    A 2 Z Of Cars

    Also what about Aero Aixam Allard Alfa Romeo Armstromg Siddeley Asia Aston Martin Austin Healey Autobianchi Auto Union If were talking Kits Ariel I must be bored
  9. Anyone help in wiring up the super Spec starter. Last night Barry (Bazwaz) and I paid a visit to a chap local to us, who had asked for some help in trying to turn over a Super Spec he is building. After a pleasant chin wag we set about trying to identify why no turn over. Out came the 2 wiring diagrams supplied, which I must say are rubbish. One for super spec and one for Vicki whatsherface, which the loom seemed to be a mixture of. Anyway after a bit of deliberation and judicious use of bits of wire and jump leads we managed a successful cranking of the lump. However Thinks were a bit strange. It seems the small connector on the rear of the solenoid is redundant. The wire from the ignition barrel was feeding this 12v from the starting position but this seemed to be required on the larger spade terminal. The wire that was leading from the larger spade terminal terminated in a multiblock near the ECU that wasn't connected to anything? See diagram below - which I think is correct, but it was late and I have a useless memory. Anyone got any assistance on correctly wiring up the starter for this chap. Cheers Lee
  10. BigLee

    2b Sliding Pillar

    Dont Know if MNR ( The chaps building Rizla's Vortx) can help here. They do a number of components for sevenesque type cars and will work on them. Attached link to their wishbone parts. May be able to be modified? MNR - Suspension Components Cheers Lee
  11. I thought you'd emptied it on a Vortx! -God job it's only a small space - Not big enough for a battery!
  12. Before Chris says it - There seems to be a gap under the scuttle for something. Can't think what that would be....
  13. Not much point in that with mine then Barry. Although if you soundproofed yours all round you might not be able to hear mine when I'm following you down the motorway. Sounds a top idea for under the clam shell wings though. I feel another task to my list of winter jobs that I'm compiling. Cheers Lee
  14. BigLee


    Hi Kevin, The Haynes version is combined Probe and MX6 manual. Can't find anything to "acquire" an electronic version I'm afraid. There's a "new" one on ebay but expensive at £17.00. I'd search ebay periodically for a cheap 2nd hand version. One's bound to come up. PS. I'd thought you'de be too busy this winter with scuttle repairs and tank modifications to get your hands dirty on the MX6! Cheers Lee.
  15. BigLee

    First Impressions

    Name it costly - it will be! Or what about timely - It will take up loads. Seriously welcome. Have fun and there will be loads of support and great advice from this forum. I've been in a few car clubs and none rival the size, enthusiasm and help you seem to be able to call upon in here. Cheers Lee
  16. Hi Jim, Commiserations old chap. I’m sure you’ll be fixed and sorted soon enough. Funnily enough I’ve seem a few like that now in the stainless steel monocoques. At least plated up it will be stronger than original. – Wonder if it’s worth doing both sides at the same time? Cheers Lee
  17. Hi Alidair, I believe I have the original retractable belts in my S7 from the donor (which would have been a Cortina) ( I didn't build it so can't be sure) These belts had the covers you are talking about. Scrappy prob best bet! Cheers Lee
  18. BigLee

    Caption Competition

    A rear Rack had to be made to get the new camping chair in. - But my word it's comfy!
  19. BigLee

    Weather Gear

    Now Sold. Cheers Lee
  20. BigLee

    Donington Weekend

    Mick, First a great weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Ditto the above, but would add the "showground" come Camping area is a bad idea. Seperate areas for camping and then display would be far better. Formal "for sale" area would be appreciated and just too few accessory/parts stands. I for one would prefer a more "autojumble" style area. Cheers Lee
  21. BigLee

    Donnington Camping

    I should be there on Friday too, with family as well!! Lee
  22. BigLee

    Weather Gear

    Steve, Thanks for the note. Whereabouts are you? I can always come to you for a fitting session with my S7. Cheers Lee
  23. BigLee

    Weather Gear

    Pez, Still for sale? I'm interested if it was orig for an S7? Regards Lee
  24. Hasn't lost his sense of humour though... Very entertaining
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