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Hi just arrived back from Derby test station whilst no MAC 1 just a small amount to do. (Prob 45 mins of work if that) Inspector even said can fit me in friday afternoon if i was free!!


the list was:-


Contactable none radius edge front hub clamping bolt

Steering column support bracket dont have nylocks

Steering col sliding joint locktabs not bent over

Speedo a bit jumpy

Speedo reads below actual (1mph at 35 and 3MPH at 70)


Re the latter the inspector put down to using the robin hood supplied tyres said fit the old sierra ones and they should be fine.


He made me take out the wire pan scraper from the exhaust as he could not get his probe all the way in but even without this passed the noise test.



So a few mins extra work and may soon be on the road!!!


Ps took in without a screen but it was freezing at least sunny day.




nice try, at least it wont be long! Knowing my luck, you'll be on the road before i can get mine to pass it's MOT!


As you say 45 minutes work to do and then a pass. Ring DVLA and sort out an inspection or see if they can do you on the way home Friday.


Weel done.




ps I assume you don't have anything more important arranged for Friday afternoon!! :D

Guest stu205

thats a great list, way I read it even with 3 brews you should be finished by now!

Steering col sliding joint locktabs not bent over

Nice one Phil!


I reckon you had the same examiner as DGAV - seems the old lock tabs are a bit of a favourite of his! :ph34r:


Good luck for Friday ;)




having changed over wheels i notice that the Sierra have a larger diamiter than the ones supplied by RH.


Does this mean that the spedo will be reading higher or lower just cant get my head round this one.


PS at SVA the speedo was reading lower than actual speed of car.



Guest TerryBarry

If the wheel & tyre has a greater diameter ( and therefore circumference ), for a given speed the wheel will rotate a lesser number of times therefore the indicated speed will be lower - which is what you don't want.

The standard Sierra wheel fitted with a 185.60R14 tyre will have an effective diameter of 596mm

The alloy wheel fitted with a 205.50R15 tyre will have an effective diameter of 587mm which should not be a problem for SVA since it should read 1.5% higher.

195.50R15 tyres should read approximately 3.0% higher


many thanks for that response i suspected that the larger diameter wheel / tyre on the standard (195- 65- 14) would show a lower speed as you say not what i want. The RH tyres 205/50R15 which were on the car at the test should therfore have passed. But supposidly not so.


Any suggestions for a cable system.


Only thing i can think of is that the dial was bouncing a bit (poss due to either needing greasing or too sharp bends on it or the ttyre pressures were too high forgot to reduce to 17psi were set at 30.


any suggestions would be helpful as dont want to go for retest next week and fail only on the speed as all oter items now dealt with.






dial bouncing is definately too sharp bends on the speedo cable. I wanted to mvoe it on mine, and had to try a few different arrangements to get it reading smoothly


Going from 30 psi to 17 in the RH tyres should show a reduction in wheel circumference. Might be enough. As a final desperate measure you could take the glass off the speedo, lift the needle over the stop and allow it to find its own resting place. Make a tiny mark on the dial where this is, then gently lever off the needle and replace in a position 5 mph faster with a spot of super glue to make sure it doesn't move on the spindle.



Guest Ian & Carole



tut tut :rolleyes: :)


sneaky or what :ph34r: :ph34r:


I like your thinking :D


Ian J

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