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Stafford Kit Car Show

Guest daveclement

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andi speak to the chairman it may be posible .]


this is a large club and it does have funds ..not sure if the membership is willing to take a chance ,

but we could poss put 600 plus cars on a stand to start with . we do have a lot of members with great ideas also to mayby take this foreward .


i am up for it ,



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Guest Ian Marr

As a "new boy", may I humbly congratulate you all and admit to being a proud new member, patiently waiting for my Zero, which I shall show off with some photos when it arrives.


Is yours the one being set up for both right and left hand drive options? - If so saw it 'in-build' at GBSC a few weeks ago.




On the issue of RHOCaR taking on the commercial position of running a show.

I can see nothing but trouble around the corner - organising anything by committee is difficult at the best of times, but something as big and commercially risky as a underwriting a show is (IMHO) is about 30 steps too far. Add in the passionate (and rarely unified) opinions of a large number of forum contributors and I just can't see us finding a common agreed way forward. I think we should stick to running the best kit car club in the world.




On this years show - crac was great with plenty of old and new friends to meet and catch up with, but the number of stalls inside was very lacking.

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Mind you, would other owners jealous of our superb cars be so fed up they would boycott it??!!!"


No, because we would give them what they want... Parts, spares, jumbles, entertainment and lots and lots of trade stands and of course.... soft toilet paper :clapping:

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yebbut!! the bums (he, he) would nick it all to:

wipe their dip-sticks, clean their screens, etc. etc.

The glossy rubbish is there ´cos it´s useless for anything else!

OR for its intended purpose! :-(



See the thread has sunk to the bottom :D

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Guest chris brown

I think what many of you don’t release is that the cost of hiring the site was £12500 plus wages for staff. If you take all that into account and the fact that virtually all kit manufactures are having a hard time at the moment you will realise why he had to make the admission charge that he did. I agree that he didn’t do the best job of advertising the event but even so I think he did try to do what he felt was a reasonable compromise between overcharging and putting them off completely and putting off the general public off completely. I suspect at the end of the day he made a substantial loss on the event.


Just my thoughts.

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Guest Ian Marr

Minimum £15,000 overheads, no national (general public) magazine circulation for "free" adverts and if profits made a tax man to satisfy.


Exactly why RHOCaR should stay well clear :excl: =@ :excl:




Stewart - may not have been your car then - chassis I saw had mounting brackets for steering/pedals on both sides and was being set up one way initially with a view in a year or two to swap back - a request by the customer :hi:

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Exactly why we will be steering well clear of getting involved, all the club funds would be swallowd in one fell swoop, very soon no Stafford show and no RHOCaR.

The hall cost £12,500 for the weekend and some exhibitors were paying up to £700 for the priviledge of being in there, which in light of the poor attendance I don't think they will be willing to pay next year.


Den Tanner and all the other show organisers should be looking at what makes Stoneleigh so popular, talk to exhibitors and see what they are happy to pay and strike a compromise - 50 stalls paying £400 will net £20,000, 100 paying £200 nets the same and a mixture of stalls paying between £200 and £500 can be made to net £20,000+.

Diversify, as much as we all like looking at cars and shiny bits our wives and kids need something to look at too, get stuff in there that isn't car related, handbags, toys, confectionary - a child will last much longer with the promise of a reward, toy etc, so the kit building dad won't be dragged away before he's emptied his wallet at the stalls.

Same again outside, bouncy castles, mini quads/bikes, kids rides, food stalls.


Book the place on a weekend when nothing else is on, that way the gate can be run as per Stoneleigh with a similar pricing policy, although I still think the camping for tintoppers is too much there.


Oh yeah, get Detail Dean to remove his head from his arse and smile and speak to people, you've built a couple of nice cars, you're not an international superstar!!

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It suprised me that SVC were not even there SVC = STAFORD Vehicle Components, so right on their doorstep but a no show from them was a suprise.


I tried the past 2 years to get through to Den but failed, would it be an idea for the club to take the issue forward in an "offical" sense? Maybe a new thread to collate all ideas from the members on here on how to improve/save the show, pass them on to Den in strong words from all of the 700+ members in a hope to save one of the few kit car shows in this country.


Just a thought.


I think that makes a lot of sense, what about those of you that are on other makes forums take it up on there and get all the different kit types to go forward and present a united front,

If we all come up with great ideas maybe den will listen and do something about it....


Failing that why don't we have our own mini rhocar festival hire somewhere that could accommodate all of us (field/ campsite) get a band in etc as everyone has agreed it was the social side that everyone really enjoyed..

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i think steve has hit the nail on the head , it wont work the way it is , it needs to be changed

in a major way . it ant happened over the last 3 years so why think it might in the future

with the same management in place .

i wont go next year , i let it run with stuarts comments to feel out the veiws of others .


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"Failing that why don't we have our own mini rhocar festival hire somewhere that could accommodate all of us (field/ campsite) get a band in etc as everyone has agreed it was the social side that everyone really enjoyed.."


I like the sound of that! :clapping:

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"Failing that why don't we have our own mini rhocar festival hire somewhere that could accommodate all of us (field/ campsite) get a band in etc as everyone has agreed it was the social side that everyone really enjoyed.."


I like the sound of that! :clapping:


I can sort the PA

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I can sort the PA



I said before the weekend that I wouldn't be going to Stafford. This was mainly due to the cost but also a lot to do with the arrogance of Den Tanner and my lack of enthusiasm at lining his pockets. Whilst it would be a shame to see any kit car show disappear I cannot help but feel he rather deserves to fail when it would appear he has chosen to ignore advice from willing unpaid 'consultants'. Ok everyone can be an expert when they are not parting with large amounts of cash like Den Tanner but SURELY he should take SOME notice of what is being said.



I would happily chip in my brawn and the small brain I have to start a Rhocar show. Maybe getting things back to basics, ie the cars and the enthusiasts would be a start. Dont aim or want to start a Stoneleigh but just get a good crowd together and see where it goes? Minimal outlay in monetary terms, just a bit of head scratching. Ok, a lot of head scratching.......

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Just trying to get my head around the idea of reasoning with Den Tanner. Maybe he would listen. .................................................................................................

Nope, I don't have a vivid enough imagination.

Osama would be much more responsive.



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Just trying to get my head around the idea of reasoning with Den Tanner. Maybe he would listen. .................................................................................................

Nope, I don't have a vivid enough imagination.

Osama would be much more responsive.



:D :D :D


Like it Nigel :D

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