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Stafford Kit Car Show

Guest daveclement

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Guest daveclement

I am just back from a 100mile round trip to the stafford show,I can only say how disappointed I was after paying £10 to get in .Where were the trade stands? GBS stand was good ,But i think the rest of the show was a rip off.

Last time to Stafford for me

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I am just back from a 100mile round trip to the stafford show,I can only say how disappointed I was after paying £10 to get in .Where were the trade stands? GBS stand was good ,But i think the rest of the show was a rip off.

Last time to Stafford for me


Hi Dave,


Even more glad I boycotted the Den Tanner rip off now!

Our trip would have been 140 miles in total and in my opinion a kit car show depends on exhibitors in kit cars so Den Tanner's idea of lining his grubby pockets will see off this show within a year or two as exhibitors will spend their money on better things than a ticket to a grotty hall with filthy toilets and overpriced rancid food.


As I type this we are just about to go out for a nice curry on the money we saved from not going to this dismally organised event!



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well we went Friday night , enjoyed a BBq and lots of beers with friends old and new, for me it was always about the social side rather than the show itself, but once built the need for parts n bits diminishes, but its always good catching up with the guys from all around at the show,





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Guest Peter Kelly

I am just back from a 100mile round trip to the stafford show,I can only say how disappointed I was after paying £10 to get in .Where were the trade stands? GBS stand was good ,But i think the rest of the show was a rip off.

Last time to Stafford for me

Hi Dave

I just got home too. The show was not well supported by public or trade stands. I did spend some time with a couple of RHOCAR members which saved the day for me. The cost of food and drink was prohibitive. Toilet facilities were excellent.


Edited by Pete the Dog
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I was disappoited with the lack of trade stands although GBS looks bigger and I really like the new dash (have to get one). Once I dropped off some goodies for the raffle and catched up with some members we left.


Hopefully next time the car will be ready and I'll enjoy the social life a bit better.



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I have to say I agree the majority of the comments above, the 'show' element of the day is very poor.


Did the 200+ mile round trip, enjoyed the run despite the hour and a half sitting on the M1 and the rain on the way home (if you go quick enough it won't get you)Only went to collect an exhaust from GBS to save £11 on postage so after being robbed of my entrance money I saved a pound, bargain.


On the upside met a few faces, got to steal a few ideas for improvements when I put the 2ltr in and did my bit for Hoody so a good trip out but would have been just as good if we had organised it ourselves and not lined the pockets of the organisers, outside of the social scene certainly cannot see how you make it a 2 day event and as others say, the show needs the kit cars sitting outside to attract the public, maybe we are just being used??


Tom Hayden

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Guest peter2b2002

only went on saturday, good to have a chat with other hoodies, picked up a few ideas/mods for my 2b even though I built my it 6 years ago , not worth 2 days though unless you are camping , I needed a new wiper arm but didn't want to fork out a £10 get in to get one, lucky for me free entry after 3.30 popped into the hall had a good look around saw everything on show found a wiper arm out , again all in 1/2 hr , all in all apart from the meeting other hoodies not worth going


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Yes, Agree with comments so far. Show was a tad disappointing to say the least, especially at £10. Good showing from the club and good to catch up with a few familiar (and new faces).

If it wasn't for the effort of the kit clubs then the show would be a total non event. I could only make it yesterday so missed out on a good laugh Sat night by the sounds of it... :spiteful:


Had an eventful day driving down (ran out of fuel 5 miles from the show) will teach me to trust the fuel guage and will be high up on the winter "to do" list as I'm only getting 15-20 mpg on the 38DGAS.....with a 20Litre tank!

Best part of the day was the drive home across the peaks through Matlock, and annoying some bikers :diablo: ....even managed to miss most of the rain.

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