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Tazzzzman1 last won the day on July 29 2022

Tazzzzman1 had the most liked content!

Previous Fields

  • Car type
    2B then Roadrunner SR2 "Supercharged". Cobra 5.7, AMG 5.5ltr SLK, Marcos Mantula Spyder 3.9ltr
  • Full name
    Terry Barker

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  • Location
    Barnsley, S Yorks
  • Interests
    polish polish and polish

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Tazzzzman1's Achievements

Wheely good builder!

Wheely good builder! (4/6)



  1. No can do for me this month...will try for next one
  2. Keep an ear out for the V8 rumble Graham
  3. Taking the Race car for a tune-up at John Sleath racing Wed pm, fingers crossed I'll be there
  4. If i'm not on my travels then defo up for a meet and catch up....been way too long Andy
  5. Hi Simon Glad to see you are on the road to recovery mate... seems only like yesterday since we were sat in B&Q car park up in Scotland repairing your throttle cable Hope to catch up soon mate
  6. Anyone driving down Sunday morning from the North? Could meet up at Woodall services M1 at 08:00 ish. If not hope to see you all there
  7. All, just putting this out there to see if anyone's interested. A friend is organising the Yorkshire supercars club event for a track day so should be some decent cars there (I'm taking my Formula 750 race car for a shakedown )but they have a few open spaces available £145. If anyone's interested let me know an I'll put you in contact with him.
  8. Really sad to hear. Many fond memories of Florian at the shows and heated debates A very clever guy who will be missed. Condolences to Sylvia and family
  9. Just up the road from me so, put me down possibly +1 other will need to confirm
  10. Only if you bring a fire extinguisher lol...
  11. Morning all Not been on much for the past couple of years (just renewed membership), although I did make a guest appearance to catch up with a few familiar faces at Stoneleigh last year. So a quick low down on what's been happening with me for the past few years: Most will probably remember the supercharged Yellow/ Black Roadrunner SR2 I built and ended up as a feature car in Complete Kit car mag for 3 months, this was sold in 2015 (ended up somewhere in Italy) or my tent being kindly put up in my absence by fellow club members over a greenfly infested tree at Newark lol. This allowed me to buy my dream car a 5.2litre AK Cobra (a pressie to myself after coming through the Big "C") Unfortunately this dream car came to a dramatic end 8 months later after white Van man decided to do a U turn 50ft in front of me on a major A road....It didnt end well and I spent 6 months unable to walk.....Lets just say the Cobra withstood the impact exceptionally well, but could do with better heat protection SWMBO didn't want me driving another KIT, so I decided to run around in a 5.5litre SLK AMG for the past few years (at least it had airbags ). 18 months ago my father (some of you will remember him driving in the Silver Marcos Mantula Spyder) passed me the keys of his beloved car as he could no longer get in/ out of it due to the onset of the dreaded Parkinsons... So here I am now, proud owner of a 3.9 litre Marcos Mantula Spyder (one of 109 Ever built). Needs a bit of TLC but still a joy to drive and listen too Last year I decided that I wasn't making enough use of the Merc (was only a matter of time before I got a speeding fine lol) and I missed the track days... So end of last year decided to look around for my next project. Ended up purchasing a Wildmoor Formula 750 single seater race car. Needs some work doing to it to get track ready, so the Car is now sat with Rich (Redseven engineering) to have him work his magic on it so that I can do a few track sessions this year. I now need to loose a few pounds (quite a few ) so that I can squeeze into the cockpit...quite a new years incentive ha ha Hope to catch up with you all soon at some of the revived shows/ meets Nice to be back Cheers Terry
  12. Great to catch up with a few familiar faces after such a long time, glad to see everyone was doing well. Shows was small, but given the timing the turnout from the clubs was still impressive. The Marcos made it back with no issues after having a small wee when arriving at the show (thanks to me inadvertently knocking off the fan switch )Thanks to you all and hope to see you again in the not so distant future
  13. No worries, was looking forward to it. Got another show local on Sunday so will do that instead
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