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Wot's wrong with Jon's car?

Jon Bradbury

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Finally I have got round to updating my horrible website.


Sorry, it's still horrible, but at least it's up to date with my build progress. Please don't laugh at my creased side panels or the nasty dashboard (which is temporary).


Any comments gratefully received. Oh go on then, you can laugh.







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Excellent Jon, Lots of detailed piccies although the last few piccies from Jan don't seem to be loading.


Does seem a drag updating site I know, but car is lookin good.


I knocked one up over the weekend that is still "Under Construction" in a few sections, like you mock in your intro. Need some piccies!.


Main thing was I wanted to put up a sort of diary, so created a blog where I can post from anywhere. Lets see if I bother to update it.


Beginnings of My Site





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since you're familiar with notepad and html, couldnt you just download yourself a html template from one of the sites, then copy and paste in your on text and picture links? i remember some very flash looking ones when i was studying last year.


there are loads of sites offering free templates, here might be of some use, here






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Guest chris brown

Excellent Jon just spent 30 mins looking and reading the car is looking good but couldn’t see your latest pics (didn’t load)

Just one point on your car mate please don’t take this wrong but I think the SVA man will insist on short flexi brake pipes from rear callipers (as fitted to the Sierra) as they are on sliders and move to compensate for wear in the pads

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Har har beat you to it.


It's been done. That is an old picture. And it explains why I found it so hard to get the rigid pipes to fit. D'oh!


Wot a Norbert.



Still, you lives and learns. However, Chris, your comment is just what I was after - thanks. It's funny, isn't it, how people are afraid to give constructive criticism when you show them your half finished car?


Anyone else? Tell you what, let's rename the thread... "Wot's wrong with Jon's car?". Then I might get it through SVA.





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nothing to laff at there m8 iv enjoyed looking at the pics and reading your stuff.so dont pull ya self down and remember loads of ppl only dream about building there own car and your half way dun

keep it up



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Guest salty_monk

You'll have problems with the Sierra fan fitted like that with polarity reversed, it doesn't shift any air as blades are curved wrong (I know from experience....)

If you really want to use the Sierra one then turn it the right way round & cowl it so it is sucking air in the front & blowing it out the back over the rad. If not then Buy one with reversible blades or use one from a scrappy designed to blow in that direction.

It is possible to fit in front of chassis member, that's where mine is but then even more important to have a cowling, mine is cowled on all 4 sides & even at Barkston heath my fan didn't need to cut in due to the efficiency of airflow. It's great not to have to worry about it! If you haven't already got one make sure it switches on thermocouple (automatically) as having to do it manually is a real pain in the butt!!


You'll also need a header tank, (didn't see one fitted....) I use the old cortina system as detailed on Dave Andrews site. works really welll but you may need to tap the rad cap to get it to fit tighter & seal better & also fill the well in the top of the cap with Araldite otherwise it leaks through the rivet!

If you haven't got rad hoses on yet I found some flexi ones that fit quite well..


If you need pics of my current setup let me know & I'll try to post some...

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About the fan...


The little orange bladed Sierra fan was taken off and instead the Honda fan supplied by RHE was shoehorned in. It is connected to the loom as per the Sierra item (which is much smaller).


To test it (and the auto thermocouple) I ran the car on the drive until it got hot but there was a wind so it didn't get hot enough. Then I draped a cloth over the front of the radiator. a few minutes later the fan was busy sucking away (it's very efficient BTW), so I took the cloth off. The temperature returned to normal quickly and the fan cut out.


The hot water system is setup as a sealed unit with catch tank (a jam jar for now) that collects any overflow from the radiator cap. When the car cools down water is drawn back into the sytem by contraction. This works fine, although I did have to get a 20 Lbs/sq ft radiator cap. I still want to fit a proper tank as per the donor but am diverted to "other things" at the moment.





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