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Guest MacMustang


Does anybody have any experience of snoopers and if they are effective?

As a safety measure obviously. :rolleyes:


When I was living out in the states, I bought a Valentine One (www.valentine1.com) as I really didn't want to lose my license in the stang (different roads and speed limits). It's only really gone off once when it hasn't been a false alarm and that was for a laser... by that point it was too late! Thank fully the police man was very kind and let me off with a warning (55 in a 45).


I still use it though and if it goes off I do tend to be more aware of my surroundings. I don't speed intentionally so I find it helps me to be more aware of my speed just in case I creep over the limit.


Be careful though. They've been trying to pass a law for the last couple of years to make radar detectors illegal. I don't know what the current status of the bill is but it could be a short lived purchase.

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Guest salty_monk

Few friends using the Road Angel with some success.... It works on GPS to pinpoint likely spots as well as detection depending on what model you get.


I think the only ones that really work with laser are the jammers & even then you have to be pretty quick on the brakes as it can only jam the first shot otherwise the cop would know instantly....


Maybe Enforcer can advise on the legalities of different devices, they're all illegal here in California :D


Dan :)

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I used the earlier snoopers some years ago and found them to be an effective way of slowing me down and making me very nervous.

In town (London) even in city mode they just went off for most of the time.


You need a road angel + something with laser detection to be safer.

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Guest mizurage135

I use a laser jammer ie (remote control sensor for electric garage) if stopped by plod along with snooper S6R neo plus, in last 5-6 years had about dozen or so alerts and definatley saved licence, don't tend to go over limit by much

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Don't waste your money and put your trust (and your licence) in the 'hands' of one of these things. The only device you need to keep your licence clean is the big round one in the middle of the dash.


When I was working in Traffic in the 90s we seized hundreds of these things and used to test quite a few - suffice to say we always reckoned on being able to get a speed reading before the driver could react to the signal. And don't underestimate the range of some of the laser kit. We used to sit up on the pig perch on the M25 at Rickmansworth (17-16) and pick off vehicles up to 750 metres away. :ph34r: They were illegal under the Wireless and Telegraphy Act 1949 - a piece of legislation which was around some 40 years before radar detectors were ever thought of; it just seemed to fit. Eventually some smarta**e with an expensive barrister managed to challenge the legislation with a successful appeal, and that was the end of that. They've been legal ever since. I haven't heard of any proposed legislation to ban them again, although my personal opinion is that that would be a good thing.


If you're lucky a radar/laser detector / angel etc MIGHT just alert you of a fixed camera / laser operator in time to avoid being caught but will it alert you to the child that is about to run across the road?... er, no. :nea:

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Guest robinj66

I've got a snooper and it's OK. Tends to be slightly oversensitive in towns (reacts to alarms at Eg, petrol stations etc) buit useful for warning of fixed cameras when you are in a strange town.



These detector units are not illegal but the jammers definitely are - they intercept the signal which breaches the law.

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i am all for not speeding but they change the speed limit every day! i have no idea what the speed limit could be on most roads now. 30 40 50 60?? who knows. Its 60 through the Forest where i live but 30 40 50 or 60 on the a48 to gloucester with no apparent logic with some stretchs of 70 for about 200 yards.


Why dont they put the speed limit on the back of speed cameras so people dont slam their brakes on. I cant blame them for slowing to 50 in a 60 zone to go past a camera even i have no idea on the way to oxford on the A roads. You can go for ages without a limit sign and its easy to forget whether its a 50 or 60 as it was probably a 60 a few years back.


Rather than a jammer or detector i'd prefer a gps to warn me i am exceeding the speed limit in a specific area.


rant over :D

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Guest Jabberwocky

As I drive the Forest Of Dean road once a week I know exactally what you mean. I use a Talex and my Tomtom for alarms. TBH If it is roads you use a lot then you can sort of guess where the 5-0 could be hiding.

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Guest lansledj

i've run a road angel classic for about 4 years and its great , never missed a beat, i've also got the add on laser detector which has only gone off once and i was obeying the limit so didn't need to slow down. The plus side is you don't get any false indications as it only warns you when A its in its database and B when a laser is targetting you. The downside however is if they have installed a new camera and you haven't added it or a mobile camera lasers you (funny how they always put them over a blind hill just after a speed change!!)



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Guest MacMustang

There's a bit on the law here:




Bit more here on jammers:




In 2005 it appears the ban was dropped:




I remember trying to find out what the current situation was but couldn't find anything past 2006....

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As a project a few years ago when i was a trainee in the RAF i designed and built a circuit that would receive the signal emitted from a radar and resend it with a delay after the first 2 pulses then a pre-emptive pulse from the unit to give the 'enemy' radar a false idea of velocity. This kind of thing is in use on military aircraft to prevent radar guided anti-aircraft guns from getting a lock on the target.

Of course this only works on Doppler radar (which the police use) and it could easily be used to trick the police speed gun into thinking you were doing a different speed than what you actually are. one major problem is as well as making you seem slower, it also makes you seem faster to add confusion. so really it could get you in a lot more trouble. One day i may dig it out and have a play at making a unit that fools the revenue cameras (sorry, speed cameras) but until then, i just don't speed. no radar jammer can stop kids from misjudging your speed and running out into the road.

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Does anybody have any experience of snoopers and if they are effective?

As a safety measure obviously. :rolleyes:



I had a snooper for a while until it broke, i swapped it and got the road angle classic been using it 3 yrs or more 60000 miles a year and no camera convictions mainly its good as reminder for when you aren,t paying atention. Highly recommend these devices !



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Another vote for the road angel from me, we have two compacts, one for each tin top, kept updated they are excellent for advance warnings on roads you do not know well, also double up as an accurate speedo (gps) 80 on my Mondeo ST oil burner's speedo is only 74 on the road angel!!


Also warn of Black spots and schools so not just scamera's :good:

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