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2B Wet Weather Gear

ivan the terrible

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I don't mind having weather gear fitted, a little awkward seeing over shoulder, but not dangerous. My doors are homemade and give a lot better visibility.

I'll let you try it out at the weekend to see what you think.



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As a soft southern Jesse I'm happy to drive with full wet weather gear. If it's reasonably dry inside and you have decent demisters there is not visibility problem. Properly fitted there should be very little water entry. None over the top of the screen if the glass is sealed into the frame and hood pulled down tight. (Not totally true as I do get some if I drive over 70 in the rain but none under 70.) A little can get in from the high pressure area in front of the rear wings and blows up toward the drivers right elbow, passengers left elbow.(A cloth sorts this.) Screen frame sides to side-screen gap, none as it's a low pressure area so doesn't need sealing.

Getting in and out needs a bit of bending. Left foot to clutch, head to passengers crutch, right foot to accelerator and bum to seat. Comes with practice but warn passengers of lack of evil intent.

Plymouth to Barkstone or Newark in the pouring rain would not be on without my hood.



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Has anyone got any links to suppliers of Surrey roof kits?

I did a quick Google and EBay search and only found some corrugated sheeting for sale in Surrey!


Or is it a DIY job with a sheet of waterproof fabric and aluminium stays?



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