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Slim Wheel Nuts

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Hi All


Managed to pick up a cheap set of 16" wheels (look like team dynamics but not!!) but I now have an issue with fitting them as the wheel nut with the arrays are wide and dont fit in the hole of new wheels, any idea what i should be looking for? I have looked at "Tuner wheel nuts" on ebay and they look like they may do the job but other ideas welcome.


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I have tuner wheel nuts on mine, you need to check the alloys have a taper and not flat. Most do these days but worth checking. On mobile version of Rhocar so dont know where you are if local happy to remove one for testing.

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Yep tuner nuts on mine. Added benefit of being slightly harder to nick. Although not sure I anyone nicks alloys anymore. The other thing to check which I have been very bad for not doing is ensuring the centre hole is correct for the hub. I've just bought spigot rings for mine and will be fitting shortly. If you haven't already you should look to do that also.

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