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Jonty Wild

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Everything posted by Jonty Wild

  1. I guess it probably would not do any harm to fit one, but I would guess that unless the radiator cap is the correct pressure rating, it might not work properly. Too weak and too much water would get out and too strong it might not get back it - not sure. So that begs another question, if I fit a tank, do I need to change the cap and if so to what. Anyone any information on what they are running with and without a header tank?
  2. My 2.0L RH2B has no expansion tank - back in the day I ran Triumph Cars which all had them as I recall. It was overheating, which I believe, fingers crossed, that I have now cured. It needs more testing, but I believe was a combination of the gauge reading high anyway, the electric fan thermo switch not functioning properly and some idiot taking out the engine thermostat and fitting the housing back, using a gasket that blocked about a third of the hole. The car was IVA's in 2016 (not by me) and it has never had an expansion tank, mind you the guy I bought it from said it had no overheating problems. So guys, does your car have an expansion tank or do you run it without? Is it needed or just wise to have? Thoughts please and if you think it should have one, any suggestions for size and source.
  3. Ask the seller for the photos that you want to see.
  4. Jon, I think that you need to 'follow' key people like your local area organiser and also sign up for notifications.
  5. Great suggestions, thanks.
  6. Many thanks
  7. Hi All. I am looking to replace some of the rubber trim around my 2B, e.g. bulkhead to bonnet seating, bonnet/metal edge trim, etc. as although appearance is good some of it is now a little loose. Any suggestions, recommendations for good quality, good fit items and sources? And what is used to stick the bulkhead/bonnet trim on?
  8. Enjoy, a little too far for me.
  9. After a gap since buying my RH 2B Plus and am working on it to starting using it. I have been looking into some overheating issues which I may have resolved (just done many things including removed the incorrect gasket covering a third of the hole!) - time will tell! However, I have noticed an issue with the electric fan, which is wired via a thermostatic switch in the coolant system (which is earthed) and a manual switch on the dash - both continue to operate after the ignition is off, the fan had stopped coming on automatically(not the source of the overheating!). I bought a new thermostatic switch, but when I took the original (90 degrees) out and tested both, the new one did not work and the original did, so I cleaned it up and put it back in. The fan now turns on correctly with both switches, but is not turning off when the temperature drops significantly. If I disconnect it at the thermostatic switch and reconnect it immediately, the fan does not restart (only tested this with ignition off), but does start and stop with the dash switch (as expected). I also noticed once, that when I switched the dash switch on and off (ignition off), the fan stopped, but has this hasn't happened again, so far, it may have been coincidence. I am now wondering about the wiring or the thermostatic switch. I thoughts, ideas suggestion? If others think that it is still worth changing the thermostatic switch anyone know a supplier of the small thread diameter, so that I don't need to change the housing? Also, mine is the single connector variety, as the new one I bought (double connector) doesn't work, can I check my logic for the double connector type (which seem easier to get) do both connectors have the same function when the the thermostatic switch is on (hot) - I'll describe that as both +, or is one + and the other -?
  10. Not yet. Got all the bits, got to find time to fit them - next dry day - this year is is a RH write off in terms of use I am afraid. I will make more effort next year!
  11. The main hose end that I was talking about (original post) was the top rad 50mm hose and the bottom one (I think) that was a surprise because I would have expected it to have raised the rad cap thermostat spring and come out of the overflow first. I have fitted a new cap anyway, but obviously yet to be tested. Got to order a water pump and debating which type to order as I have no need of the viscous bit. After reassembly, if it comes out of the overflow I will look at fitting an expansion tank. The previous owner did use the car, so if that was the problem I would have expected it to have been sorted - his brother ran the local BMW garage and they did the work necessary, e.g. servicing and fitting windscreen washers etc. Also, it didn't overheat on quite a long test drive, but it has sat for a while. It may yet prove to be a combination of issues, e.g rad cap and faulty electric fan thermostatic switch. On my old Triumphs I used spend ages trying to solve one problem only to find out it was 2 - it's all beginning to come back to me now!!! Oh the joy
  12. Very sensible suggestions, I will certainty try both before I reassembly. Should have done that routinely. I am a little rusty re car maintenance, since my Triumph car days.
  13. Ford 2.0l Pinto 1990. Only just got around to having a look at this problem, too much else happening! Guess what? No thermostat in there, so I guess the suggests a more longer term problem - the guy a bought it from told me definitely no overheating issues! I pretty sure the rad is fine as it looks like new. I have a new rad cap, but to be fair they both 'feel' the same spring resistance. The electric fan was working fine so I presume not the problem - although I will double check that still is blowing/sucking in the right direction. About to remove the water pump to have a look and probably replace that. I suggestions for the best place to get a new one and any other suggestions for the reason for overheating? Additional: I now have the water pump out, nothing obvious wrong, but I will be ordering a new one. The pump is a viscous one (with no fan attached) Does any one know, are the viscous and none viscous pumps the same engine block fitting (Burton Power pictures look very similar) and is anyone running both normal fixed and electric and if so has it helped or is it pointless if the electric is working?
  14. Where are you seeing that as everywhere I look notifications are set to be emailed?
  15. Thanks, this mirrors my thinking and is probably the easiest fix so definitely what I am hoping
  16. Just seen this. Still not receiving any notifications - any suggestions on how to correct this?
  17. Overheating Issue 2.0l Pinto – your thoughts please. Last year it seemed to running too hot and consequently the electric fan came on early and stayed on for ages, never boiled over though. Most of the time I got bored waiting and disconnected then reconnected a terminal to stop it.. I haven’t yet completely ruled out a faulty control thermostat and have another one ready when I can work out the wiring (it has 2 terminals instead of 1). This year, I have only just got round to getting the car ready to drive (I know, don’ ask!) and after leaving it idling, it overheated with water coming out of the hose ends, so the radiator cap might be wrong or has failed, so I will routinely replace that, and I will as soon as I can find a small; one of the right pressure that fits - any suggestions for sourcing one? Tried it again yesterday and it seems to get to temperature too quickly and the rapidly starts to move to overheating without the electric fan coming on unless overridden. I am thinking failed engine thermostat or possibly failed water pump, all of the jobs so far are easy jobs and relatively cheap, but before I start taking things apart, I believe that I have read about air blockage being a problem (I don’t have header tank), with these engines, so any advice on checking for this first?
  18. Get in scanned it may have faded anyway.
  19. That is more or less my concern. It should be easy to make the change provided you can evidence the change. The DVLA website gives details, which I believe means evidenced by an engineer's report or on the garage's headed paper. My problem is that, although everyone seems to know that a 205 block is a 2 litre no-one is prepared to say so "officially'. I don't want to open a can of worms. However, I have insured it correctly.
  20. Thanks Ian. I am going to change the electric fan regulator, is everyone with Ian at 90 degrees Celsius for a 2 litre Pinto engines?
  21. On the last few times I have been for a run the fan has remained running for a long time afterwards. Obviously, when the engine is hot I would expect that, but after waiting for a long time and then checking that the temperature has dropped. The fan still continues to run. If I then disconnect it and then reconnect it, it remains off. It just seems that it is not turning off correctly when the temperature drops. Has anyone else had this problem? Do I just to replace the fan thermostat, and if so, does anyone know where to get one and what it needs to be - I assume the come in different temperature ranges? I cannot see the make of fan. The car is a Ford 2 litre powered RH 2B.
  22. Interesting and curious. For a 2B? Any piccies? How much?
  23. No I think it is good tip. I want one that works and looks tidy.
  24. Thanks, if I can find some at a reasonable price I will buy some and do it. At the moment, with what I have found so far, it would cost more that the actual shower cap!
  25. You are, of course, almost certainly right, but it depends whether it is worth the 1%(?) chance of being saddled with an accident bill. Insurance companies will wriggle out of paying if they can and the higher the payout the more chance they will look more carefully. For me it shouldn't really matter as I have insured it as a 2l, and for the A-Plan specialist insurance that I took out the engine size made no difference to the cost anyway.
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