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Plug and play GBS loom

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Guest Ophidr

Right i have a GBS plug and play loom i am having problems with understanding why i have a column switch plug that goes to my GBS storks and a aux switch plug that also wants to be wired to my indicators? Any ideas why


The Aux plug indicator connections simply allow options, if you have the Ford switches, and the P&P adaptor you have all you need for indicators and hazards.

If you want a centre Hazard switch or a remote indicator switch there is provision in the aux plug

Guest Ophidr

Thanks i have so far connected up p&p ford storks and all lights indicators light work fine untill i turn the off the my indicators flasher relay starts clicking my Hazard button lights up but doesn't flash and my indicators dont flash either 

Could i just be a bad earth

12 minutes ago, Ophidr said:

ford storks 

There's your problem, you're trying to stuff a large, feathered animal into your dash - never going to work 😀

Guest Ophidr

Any one the wiring for the TPS on gbs engine loom p&p i have blue green orange on there sensor i have red black Green any ideas or photos


Many thanks 


Hi OK have you fitted and tightened ALL the Earth wires 

If i was looking at a relay that buzzes I would be looking for a bad earth wire 

Guest Ophidr

Right i have disconnect everything on my wiring loom should the turn relay be live with out hazards and indicators on?

When i turn on my hazards and plug in one indicator and put a test on it loses the live?


Please help


There are at least 2 different column switch arrangements, do you know which one you have, I think the earlier ones part no. start with 83, and has a square hazard button, later 86? With a round button. They have different earthing arrangements but hopefully Longboarder can explain.

Posted (edited)

Been away hunting the sun. GBS looms are plug and pray. I don't know how they test them or if!

Basic info and you will then have to work from there. Hazards use a constant live supply into the column plug pin 30. Indicators use an ignition live supply into the column plug pin 54.

If the hazard switch is ON a constant live goes out from column pin 49 to indicator relay pin 49.

If the hazards are OFF (and ignition is on!) an ignition live supply goes out from column pin 49 to relay pin 49.

If hazards are off and ignition is off pins 49 will be zero volts.

This is regardless of what's going on 'downstream' of the relay. (Testing relay output from pin 49a is problematic as some relays will not function without the correct load. More modern relays are not load dependant.) (The relay also has an earth pin 31.)

Potential output from relay pin 49a returns to the column switch pin 49a and goes nowhere unless the indicator is used to send it to L or R circuits which of course are separate.

When the hazards are switched on supply to the relay pin 49 is switched from ignition live to constant live, L and R indicator circuits are linked together and output from pin 49a is switched to both these now linked circuits.

Found an old pic with Sierra and VickiGreen colours which may not be your colours but the circuits should still be the same.

If all the indicator lights flash with hazards ON the relay is probably OK. Hazard switches have been sticky in the past so some contact cleaner or WD40 might help. It does sound as if ignition live output from column pin 49 may be suspect. Check column pin 54 is live with the ignition ON.

Early switches part numbers start 83BG and later ones 87BG or 92BG but I don't think it matters in this case unless the pin layouts are different. Relevant pin numbers are the same.


Edited by Longboarder
Guest Ophidr

Lamba sensor wire the loom has red blue green and black but the sensors has white white gray black  any ideas on wiring?

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