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jaimo last won the day on July 20 2018

jaimo had the most liked content!


Previous Fields

  • Car type
    robin hood exmo
  • Full name
    frazer morgan

Profile Information

  • Location
    south yorkshire / doncaster

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jaimo's Achievements

Wheely good builder!

Wheely good builder! (4/6)



  1. I will be up for a run out
  2. Due to weather apparantly wanting to postpone till september
  3. Just seen post that this has been cancelled ????
  4. Might be getting car back saturday so prob be able to go but the all day weather rain not looking gud
  5. Was going but dont think car will be back from bodyshop in time if it is i will be there
  6. The bean i cant message you for some reason says inbox full but my email is Fjaimo10@yahoo.co.uk If you could allocate me and let me know Or let me have anorther way of contacting u
  7. Iam up for that i am only in doncaster Will bring the xr Cant see location though
  8. Weather depending will have a trip over car park meet
  9. Weather depending might come for a quick visit in new toy
  10. Will have to try get to next one and do membership but money tight at minute due to wife having anorther breakdown miss you all guys
  11. I am stripping the cabby for respray Rebuild engine Restore interior Etc so prob be summer project as well
  12. Went last weekend what a time took me back to late teens early 20s Going to book for may or march next year
  13. Top 2 are before bottom one is now Having full restore Feeling 18 again
  14. Been rather busy with life and this
  15. They put everything down to fair wear and tear and even if they repair/replace they will take off value of use its had and only pay balance So basically if car is five yr old and something goes they will knock off what ever they value five yrs value which is normaly at least 75% upwards of repair so will have to pay the 75%
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