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I wouldn't of thought so mate, I believe (??) they've got different synchro's and run different Dia shafts.
Have a look into the MT82 gearbox. They're coming readily available on the 2nd hand market now.
They're a nice strong box and 6 speed to boot.
I'd fully agree mate, especially if the old heads had been skimmed and then the rocker shaft pedestals had been shimmed to suit.
Fingers crossed its just a reshim mate...
Whilst stripped, check the pushrods are all equal length.
Also, I know your far from daft Tim, but are all the pushrods the right way up? The ends are subtly different.
Have you shimmed the pedestals at all?
Different cams require different shim plates?
If you do play about with some, remember the oilways pass through them.
Lifters usually don't full up if they can't spin freely. Just check they all rotate very, very easily with light finger pressure Tim before condemning to much?
Take yours to Manor foundry at Ilkeston.
They'll use it to make a sand box and cast you a new one.
I'd guess at less than half the price your quoted so far
You're welcome to stay in our caravan Andy. It's on our property with the heating on. 5 mins from Richard.
Obviously you'll be allowed in the house too!
Terry, we've already spoken away from here so that only leaves the comedy side for on here to be fair mate!'ve got a cracking flame finish on the roll hoop!